CHAPTER 18 : The fire

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(A/N) : /!\ WARNING /!\ : Some violent scenes, cursing, and gore ! You have been informed !

                                             (Y/N)'s point of view

                                              "Hello, Miss (L/N)..."

  -'Oh no...' I thought, frightened, as I instantly recognized the irksome and sharp voice. I shakily turned my head toward the presence behind me while my breath sharpened. There stood William, his face at a few inches away from my shuddering one.

  - "How... How did y-you... How did you do to get in the attraction unseen... ? How I and Michael couldn't have seen you... ?" I spoke, the words like a whisper on my tongue, almost inaudible.

  - "I already told you..." William began, towering me with his tall height as I took a step backward, my posterior gently bumping into the oak desk, my whole afraid body facing the serial killer.

  - "I have my ways, Darling..." He replied, his maniac stare digging into my soul, his toothy and psychotic grin making it all worst.

  - "Oh, talking about Michael... Where did he go ? I didn't see him for the past thirty minutes now..." He asked, taking back a normal composure while I decided not to say a word. William raised a scrubby eyebrow in consideration.

  - "Silent are we ?" He replied to my quietness.

  - 'Shit... Shit !' I cursed in my head with dread. I looked at William with wide open (E/C) peepers as he took a steady step backward and reached out for the back pocket of his black trousers, pulling out something I didn't expect to see at all.

  - "W-Where did you find that... ?" I stammered while William was holding a certain knife. I immediately recognized it.

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