CHAPTER 4 : Second night... And a stranger

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                                                                              Narrator's point of view

  You entered your house and locked the front door , exhausted from your lack of sleep and from your day shift. You cooked/took some (F/F) that you quickly ate before collapsing once again on your bed, fastly falling asleep before your next night shift.

  We warned you...

  You suddenly began to shift uncomfortably in your bed, clutching your (F/C) sheets as an unbearable pain came in your feet, rising to your brain. You were desepratly yelling in your head at your body to wake up, unsuccesfully. After minutes and minutes of whining and slight cries, your wet (E/C) eyes finally jolted open. You were panting heavily as you sat down your bed, bewildered.

  -"I heard the same voice than before..." You said to yourself before grasping your head with your hands, crying out of pain. The pain finally disappeared, leaving you there while you wondered what the hell happened. You quickly look at your phone, which was displaying "11:23pm". You frantically shook your head as you stood up, grabbing your uniform and clean underwear before heading toward the bathroom. You took a hot shower, re-thinking about what just happened.

  - 'Am I getting crazy ?' You asked yourself as you got out of the shower and Grabbed a towel. After drying yourself, putting on your uniform, brushed your teeth and combed your hair, you got out of the bathroom. You yawned before looking at your phone once again : it was "11:47pm".

  - 'Oh oh... I should go now.' You thought to yourself. You Grabbed a muffin from the fridge (sowwy if you Don't like muffins ^^'), got out of the house and locked the door. You turned the car on and silently drove toward the attraction, eating hastily your muffin.
You pulled into the parking lot of the grim building before letting another yawn out. You opened the main entrance door and walked to your office.

  - 'I hope it'll less annoying than yesterday...' You thought in disbelief. You walked in a large corridor decorated with children Drawings on the Walls while the white and black tiles reverberated your typing shoes noises. Though beyond the shoes noises making echoes in the whole building, evrything was silent. It gives a sinister side to the attraction which is already creepy.
  All of a sudden, you stopped Walking, silence filling up the building and your body. The silence that reigned other the space was even... deafening... That's when you felt presence behind your back. You didn't know who it was or WHAT it was, but you could felt that it released a quite intimadating aura. You slowly turned yourself to meet the stranger, and when you saw what was standing behind you.

  -"HOLY SH*T !!!" You gasped and screamed at the same time. The THING didn't move as you step backward, getting a full view of its appearance. In the dim light of the attraction, you saw what used to be a 7 foot tall bunny animatronic. He (you guessed it was a 'He') had greenish-golden suit, which was torn up at multiple places, holes as seen everywhere, letting poking out of them multiple colored wires and some endoskeleton parts underneath. Also, you saw Strange flesh-like things in some holes, especially in the huge gash in his chest area. About his face, he had a big permanent smile, since his animatronic "lips" has been tattered through the years, showing grayinsh fabric teeth. His grayish white eyes were locked on yours, seeming straing right into your soul. At last, he had two big bunny ears, withered and tattered like the rest of his body, while the left one was half-missing. The lot, releasing a rotting odor. You breathed heavily, taking another step back. You fastly walked away, not leaving the thing's eyes. You ran for your life at your office, taking up your camera panel, frantically typing on the CAM-05 where you first met the robot. Your mouth, slightly ajar, restrained a yelp when the animatronic turned his head to the side, looking straight into the camera, at you.

  Suddenly, you heard the phone ringing, You let the recorded message play as you began to calm yourself down a bit.

  - "Hey man, okay, I have some awesome news for you. First of all, we found some vintage audio training cassettes. Dude, these are, like, prehistoric! I think they were, like, training tapes for, like, other employees or something like that. So, I thought we could, like, have them playing, like, over the speakers as people walk through the attraction. Dude, that'd make them feel legit, man.

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