CHAPTER 3 : A prisoner's thoughts

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                                                       ???'s Point of view

  Since God knows how much time, I'm trapped in this suit, my new body... Well, if I can call that a body... Oh, to have a body again... I would like to smell, to feel, to maybe meet someone, someone who will be able to cheer me up in that hell hole... I feel so... Alone... Well, not completly... The spirits of those poor children thet HE killed are driving me crazy, they didn't understand yet, that I'm not their killer... It's HIM... And not me...


  - 'The hell is that ?!' the noise ripped me from my thoughts as it kept going until the metal door before me cracked open, letting out an ear-splitting screech. The pitch-black room which was my kingdom for what seems to be centuries lit up, revealing my surroundings. My eyes were stinging 'cause of the lights as I tried to resist from blinking. Two shadows were standing in the door frame, one holding a crowbar, the other a flashlight.

  - "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, what the bloody hell is that thing ?" one masculine voice spoke.

  - "Jesus Christ ! It stinks as f*ck ! Did a racoon died in here ?! What are those black stains ?" another man said.

   - "I dunno, dude, but look at this ! It looks like an animatronic ! It looks like a real one !

   - I think it is man ! That will be perfect for our business !

   - Yeah, you're right ! Help me carrying it to the truck." They said as the silhouette holding the flashlight flashed it right into my eyes. Thanks god I couldn't feel physical pain anymore, 'cause I would be screaming in pain and startling the guys right now. That's all they said. Right after, I felt two pair of arms lifting me up and carrying me out of this cursed room. I heard some "It's heavy !" and some "EWs !", probably 'cause of my odor as I tried to keep my eyes as still as possible, looking at the floor. Once we got out, they put down in a truck trunk as I saw some more relics : Children Drawings and some more decorations. I heard the two men speaking excitingly about me and their "business", while the truck's motor began roaring.

Then I blacked out.

(A/N) : Sowwy for this quite short chapter ! I'll do better next time !

To Your Eternity (Animatronic!Springtrap X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora