CHAPTER 17 : Sixth night... And nightmare mode

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                                                    (Y/N)'s point of view

  - "Tonight, we strike." I stated as I spun around toward Michael.

  - "Be cautious okay ?" He spoke as my (E/C) orbs locked up on his resplendent ones.

  - "I will don't worry. Be careful too..." I responded as he dropped a gentle smooch on the top of my head while we sent each other a last encouraging glare. Michael turned around and opened the entrance door, the chilly air of the evening engulfing the lukewarm corridor. He soon stepped forward and entered the outside, his heavy footsteps loud on the concrete ground. At last, he turned back and grabbed the doorknob, pulling the door back to him, closing it. A clicking sound made itself heard, signaling me and the Phantoms that the door has been shut. I sighed and turned toward the children.

  - "Are you all ready ?" I asked as they all nodded in agreement.

  - "Great." I spoke as I started to march toward the corridor's end with the opened Jerrican in my arms when someone laid their hand on my shoulder, interrupting my walk.

  - "(Y/N), wait. Let us help you to bring the Jerricans along at least." Gabriel talked as I nodded. Her grasp on my shoulder vanished while all the Illusions picked up a Jerrican, except for Michael Brooks, who was in the impossibility to carry anything.

  - "Okay, it would be nice if you could set them at various spots in the attraction. Like that, I won't be obliged to go back here to pick up one again and you won't have to carry them all along the way with me.

  - Sure thing, (Y/N)." Fritz returned as I began to spill the propellant on the floor, some drops landing on my navy blue pant as it splattered on the hard, black and white, tiled floor.

  - "Say (Y/N)." Jeremy broke the quietness as I kept looking forward while I hummed for him to continue.

  - "Don't you think that William will suspect these gasoline pools ?" He asked as I kept leading.

  - "Yes, he will suspect those. That's why he'll follow them to find the origin of the possible "material failure"." I replied as I simulated quotation marks with my fingers.

  - "I mean... He's a technician : He will feel obliged to find and fix this failure." I stated.

  - "Yes, you're right." Charlie conversed as I swayed my arm to strew the liquid on the oor while the children disappeared with the Jerricans to accomplish their duty.

  -"Beware William..."

                                    "... You don't know what's waiting for you..."

                                                          Michael's point of view

  I placed my tattered palm on the doorknob after having sent a last fond glare to (Y/N), which she returned me. I shakily opened the cold door as the cold wind of the evening whipped my face. I stepped forward, closed the entrance door behind me and whipped my decrepit body around as I discerned the orangish, purplish and reddish tints that were decorating the formerly cerulean sky : It was dusk.

  - 'Indeed, sunset comes later in summer than in winter...' I considered, mesmerized by the colorful palette. I let my body being engulfed entierly by the cool breeze as I could feel the difference between the attraction's temperature and the outside's. I didn't feel this for more than thirty years now : The sensation of the breeze brushing my skin... I forgot about it. But it was freeing to feel this sensation again. Even though it wasn't exactly my skin that the breeze was caressing with its silk touch this time.
  I stayed here, my metal feet like rooted into the concrete ground, admiring the sight that I've forgotten a long ago, my white-grayish peepers half-closed.
  All of a sudden, I stepped out of my reverie, remembering my task.

  - "Stop musing Michael. You'll have all your time to admire the sunset later." I rebuked myself and shook my head, my green and broken ears slightly swaying in the air as I looked for a hiding spot. I spotted a huge bush near the entrance and hurriedly hid in it before anyone in the streets nearby could see me. I was in a quite cramped position : The bush was so dense, one of its branches obliging me to recoil my foot and another one to lift my other foot as I stayed with an uneasy equilibrium. Fortunately, some gaps in the bush from the lack of leaves at various spots offered me a great view of the entrance of the building. I became alert, flinching at the least questionable noise.

   - 'Come on father...'

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