CHAPTER 15 : His true face

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                                                Michael's point of view

                                                         "Miss (L/N) ?"

  (Y/N) and I were tenderly cuddling for a few moments and we were about to continue our walk but a raspy and old voice emerged from the thick silence. (Y/N) and I slowly turned our heads toward the corridor's end, where the cold voice first spoke. My eyes narrowed at the obscurity, discerning Nothing but a mass of shadow among the dark. (Y/N)'s grip tightened on my hand as her (E/C) orbs were wide open.

  - "Was the animatronic trying to hurt you ?" The voice spoke again but with a worried hint in it. I could feel (Y/N) stiffen as the shadow Advanced toward the lit side of the corridor, toward us. The shadow made one step into the light, immerging its body into it as my father's face came into view. He walked toward us with a normal pace as he extended his arm out to take (Y/N)'s.

  - "Come on. I'll tell the manager about this affront. She will surely scrap it to pieces. Don't worry, you're safe now." He stated as I was frozen in place. He put his pale hand on my girlfriend's forearm as she suddenly stepped out of the trance that she and I were sharing for a couple of minutes.

  - "Back off." (Y/N) growled as she slapped my father's hand off of her arm. He stepped back as his blue and dull eyes remained expressionless, which made me more anxious. I shot (Y/N) a glare that said : "What the hell are you doing... ?!". But in the Bottom, she was right : What would have done my father to her if she ever had followed him in the attraction's abyss ?

  - "We have enough of your bullshit." She coldly stated as my father wore a fake, worried glare.

  - "What's going on Miss (L/N) ?

  - I know what you did to your son and to the six children ! They told me absolutly everything. Don't pretend that you're innocent." Instantely, my father plastered a pouting expression on his face as his eyes locked up on mine, sending shivers running down my iron spine.

  - "Aww... I see... You told her, Michael ? How disappointing." He stated as my eyes widened, my grim doubts now confirmed.

  - 'Since the very beginning, he knew ...' I thought, dumbfounded. (Y/N) was in the same state as I was : Shocked, her (E/C) orbs widened as well. The man who formerly was my father took a step forward but (Y/N) protectively extended a hand before me, defending him to come any closer to me. Her expression was feral.

  - "Yes son... Since the beginning I knew that it was you in that suit... I knew that they'd have slaughtered you... I knew that you were playing the comedy for all these years... What a relief when I knew that I got rid of a load like you..." He spoke, like if he could read my thoughts. I could feel grief and anger winning me. For all of these years, I've only been a simple slave, a puppet to his cold eyes.

  - "Fascinating... What they have become... I made of those little brats real Killing machines...

  - Fuck off !" (Y/N) yelled in pure anger.

  - "Now, now... No need to be so rude... Though, I guess that we can now talk to each other without any artifices... (Y/N), Michael... Nice to meet you..." He spoke as he darkly giggled, a sick and psychotic grin almost reaching both of his ears. (Y/N)'s knees were slightly shaking but she didn't show any emotions.

  - "So Michael ? How was it ? What did it feel like to be crushed to death ?" He asked as I felt a hollow gap , digging itself Inside my "heart", unfixable. I was speechless and defenseless. The old betrayal feeling was abruptly coming back as a knot was formed in my throat. I didn't want to argue anymore. The only thing I wanted to do was to bury my face into the crook of (Y/N)'s neck and bawl my eyes out. I could feel tears rising up to my white-grayish eyes as I prayed for no one to see them.

  - "That's enough ! You Don't even know how he felt like for all these years because of you ! You Don't even know what it feels like to being crushed Inside a spring locks suit !" (Y/N) hissed as my father's toothy grin soon faded away, his expression turning back into a cold one.

  - "Oh... Trust me, Sweetheart... I do." He stated as he reached out for his shirt and began pulling it upward as we watched.

To Your Eternity (Animatronic!Springtrap X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin