Chap-28 Spending time with daddy(5)

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I saw after reaching the square that there was a talent show going on. I thought of going there and saying that I wanted to participate. I got the singing ability but what would I see?

You would see the lyrics of the song on the screen once you start singing while use your magic to play background music.

Can't you give me the full ability for atleast once? Well just leave it. Let me go.

I went on the stage and told that I wanted to sing. So they allowed me to as the people were less to begin with.

So I just went and as I opened my mouth, the song lyrics started to play out. Oh it's speechless. Very good.

(Follow the video in the media's part for the song. Its speechless night core version. Hope you like it ;) )

While singing:-

I hope father would see me through this song. I m worried but I hope he would know that I'm safe. Father, pleaseee see me I promise to never run. My voice is pretty good by the way. Its a talent that I can talk nonsense at a time like this.

At End:-
Father pleaseee come here, I'm here.

All applaud and a good crowd has gathered. Is father here? NO?!!?!

The manager of this show looks pleased but, I don't have time for this. I have to find daddy. As I was going to search again, the manager approached me and asked me weather I would like to join his show? He told he would pay me well. He had that sinister look. I don't think it's a good idea. Moreover I am a princess, I can make you my slave, but you are not worthy of it. I politely refuse and was about to go when.

Manager:- You bloody commoners are not even qualified to be my servants and here I'm giving you an offer of partnership.  You fool do you thing a filthy bug like you is even qualified for that? *He holds my hand roughly* You lass, you are forming a partnership with me. Now, sing a song for more people of the this area and such that I could gain some money from this talent show. Just do it you wench. Otherwise, I can even give you whipping till you die even if you won't follow me.

"I won't follow you" father, if you really are not coming then I would have to take matters in my hand and then please don't blame me for being ruthless.

"You b****" he took the whip and was about to beat me, when through my magic, I stopped it in air." Magic show magic show who all want to see it come here" I screamed at the top of my voice to gain attention. Many people gathered. He yelled,"you lass, what did you do, why have my body become paralyzed? Just you wait." He ordered his bodyguards behind me to beat the shit out of me. But you can't, except my father, nobody in this world is qualified enough to beat me up, but he would never ever do that at all. Never ever.

I formed a magical array at the ground, it was flowing and the crowd went oh ahh mamamia, and all that.
This array controlled these two monkeys who were trying to catch the lion's cub. Let's see who beats the shit out of who. I used my invisible magic strings, which are used to control others and exclusive to light magic users only to control them and make them do ballet by also changing those 3 people's clothes with magic. Crowd was ahhh so funny hahaha. I collected a lot of money too, probably equal to 1000 silver coins but it's not the best part, seeing the ashamed faces of these 3 bastards is more interesting.
I was starting to get bored by this and my mana was also decreasing because I was getting exausted, so let me do this,"ladies and gentlemen, now let's see flying ballerinas." *Woosh*I threw them in the air, who knows where they might fall. I politely bowed to the audiences who were enjoying till the very end.

Soon the crowd disappeared and I was alone, I sat at a nearby bench. It was afternoon. Where's Papa?

1 hour later-----------------------------------------

"Gosh! I should have never let go of his hands, I promise I would never ever leave him again and run at my own. Please let him come back."
" Looks like you have learnt your lesson. Hm?"

"Daddy" I ran and hugged him by his waist"I'm sorry I left you hand, I would never ever repeat it again."

"I heard your song and I ce here, moreover I even saw that puppet dance. You were managing pretty well"
What's with that smile on your face, say thank you God that I m a 30 year old that's why I didn't panic.

" I just wanted to teach you a lesson, looks like you have learnt it."

If I were to be some common 6 year old I would have cried my ass out at your this lesson. Jerk no 1, you need some parenting lessons ASAP. And pls don't give me such lessons.

"So shall we go to eat something?"


"But dare you leave my hand again, I would break your legs if there's a next time and make sure that you would stay with me." That escalated quick. I'm scared of you daddy.

He says it then picks me up. I was now getting a bit embarrassed because, I'm just a 6 year old on the outside, but I was an adult in the inside" Daddy, I can walk".

"This is much more faster and saves the trouble of finding you again". He says this while walking.

We then soon reach the inn and then only I realise that Daddy's affection points have grown 75 %. But when, maybe when he was secretly looking at me? Well I don't care about it now. I only care about the person in front of me, my true father,whom I had loved to spend time with. I hope this moment stays forever and ever.

Oh lord! Please grant us a happy and safe future on this emperor's day eve....


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