Chap- 27 Spending time with daddy(4)

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Claude's Pov:-
Since the day I met that wench's daughter, I had an urge to kill her. But then I thought that I would kill her tomorrow,then again tomorrow, then again tomorrow, but tomorrow never came.
Why the hell? That blasted wench rested in peace but doesn't let me live in peace just because of our daughter who's the spitting image of her. I hate her, I hate her, I....

She's my daughter, she doesn't need to stand on anyone's expectations, she should enjoy and be spoilt by me as much as she wants. I wasn't loved in my childhood, I would never let that happen to my daughter....

I was happy that she had cleared her misunderstanding about my and other people's expectations from her and had asked, for me to go with her to the fair. It was better than she sneaking out like she did when she was 4, Felix noticed it and told it to me I never wanted to let her run away again, so I scolded her.

We had just reached the fair and she said she wanted to visit the western side. We went there, but she left my hand and  ran away again. I feel blood thirst whenever I see her. I always wanted to make her disappear from my life....

Now she has actually disappeared then what's this uneasy feeling. Blasted wench's daughter and wench if you are gonna die, just be dead already, why are you in my memories.... No, I have to find her at any costs, should I try telepathic communication?

Ugh...its not connecting.

At that time our FL was talking with the system.

Let me just search for a bit more. This girl,why doesn't she ever listen to me. I'm gonna break her legs this time such that she doesn't run way the next time. Should I just reveal my self, that would be worth the trouble. But if she wouldn't have run away, and instead kidnapped, that would create more trouble. But why am I not able to contact her? Is she really in a bigger trouble? If a magic barrier is put up on her, then she can't do anything and she's weak without sword and archery materials which I did not allow her to carry considering that she would be with me I didn't consider this possibility at all....

I asked some more people here and there to know about her but nobody saw her. Where the hell is she? God!
This idiot. Always gives me trouble. I think I should go to the square and show myself to gain help in finding her. Maybe I could even keep a hefty sum as price. Yes!

On the way too I asked some people, and one of them said that they saw the same person in the garden outside the fair near the west....

So I  went there to look for her, but she was not there too.

At that time our FL just went to the square.

Let me just go back to the square and announce that she's missing. It would be good if I get more hands...

So I went to the square, there,I saw her on the stage... SINGING...does she not have self awareness?

Ah...maybe she also wanted to find me. I might, let her learn her lesson. I would keep an eye on her from afar. Blasted wench, just whom did you give birth to?

I Got Reincarnated As Athanasia In Who Made Me A Princess With A System SoftwareWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt