The best doctor in Gotham - Harvey x Jim x Reader

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"Yes nurse." (Y/n) said, the smile she wore falling as she looked at the anxious nurse.

"It's your brother, he's........." The nurse began, before being interrupted by (Y/n).

"Where is he?" (Y/n) asked, distraught at the thought that her brother could have been hurt.

"Room 3.... but......" Before the nurse could say anything else, (Y/n) had rushed off, throwing back the curtain from around he bed.

"Harvey Bullock!" She exclaimed, sighing heavily once she finally realised that her brother was in one piece.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack? I thought that you were hurt." (Y/n) growled, eyeing her smirking brother.

"I'm fine sweetheart, it's not me that requires your steady hand, it's Jim here." Harvey said, indicating towards his partner that was sat on the bed.

"Oh my god, Detective Gordon, I'm so sorry." (Y/n) said apologetically, as she walked over to look at Jim's injured arm.

"Well Detective Gordon, you're lucky; the graze is deep but once I've cleaned it up and given you a few stitches, you should be as good as new." (Y/n) told Jim, blushing slightly as Jim smiled at her.

"Harvey, why don't you go and get a coffee while I fix up your partner." She said, pushing her brother from the room, and pulling the curtain back around.

"So detective, if you will remove your jacket and shirt, I'll get to work." (Y/n) said, smiling as Jim began to remove his clothes.

"Really doc, usually to get this far, a girl has to at least buy me dinner first." Jim joked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Well, if you promise to be a very good patient, I might just take you for that dinner. (Y/n) purred, pushing Jim backwards so that he was sat back on the bed.

"Now be a good boy, doctor's orders." She said, gently cleaning the congealed blood from the wound.

"Yes ma'am." Jim said with a salute. "And I would prefer it if you called me Jim." He said, his eyes never leaving (Y/n)'s smiling face.


As more months had passed, (Y/n) had become a regular visitor to the precinct, and had proved very popular with all the boys, who had taken quite a liking to the young doctor, much to Harvey's chagrin.

"Hey Harv." The desk Sargent called out as Harvey made his way back into the precinct.

"That gorgeous sister of yours got here about ten minutes ago, she was looking for you; Jim said that he would take care of her and took her to your office." The Sargent told him, smiling as Harvey groaned.

"Oh geez! I wonder what I've done now." Harvey grumbled, making his way to the office.

"What the hell?!" Harvey shouted, as he walked into the office to find (Y/n) in Jim's arms, the pair kissing passionately as Jim pinned her up against the old filing cabinet.

"Harvey, I can explain." (Y/n) said, moving to stand between her brother and Jim.

"I thought I said that I didn't want you getting mixed up with a cop; but noooooo......... and even worse, you have to pick him." Harvey said, pointing at Jim.

"And you! I'll deal with you later." Harvey told Jim, as he tried to push past (Y/n).

"Ok Harvey Bullock, you listen, and you listen good. As much as I appreciate you looking out for me, I am not a little girl anymore, and you're not dad. Now for your information, Jim and I have been seeing each other for the last couple of months, and that is not going to change." (Y/n) said, going back over to Jim and taking his hand.

"So, whether you like it or not, we are staying together." She told Harvey, smiling as Jim gently kissed her hand.

"Now, if you to gentlemen promise not to do anything stupid, my shift starts in thirty minutes. I'll see you later, ok?" (Y/n) said, kissing Jim on the cheek, as she made to leave the office.

"And I'll see you later too, dummy." (Y/n) chuckled, kissing Harvey before she left.

"Look Harv, I........." Jim began, stopping as Harvey raised his hand.

"Just..... just look after her ok." Harvey sighed, slumping down into his chair.

"You got it Harv." Jim chuckled, taking a seat at his desk.

"But if you do hurt her, I'll shoot you myself." Harvey warned, opening the file on the top of his pile of paperwork.

"Understood Harvey." Jim replied, happy with the notion that Harvey wasn't going to shoot him straight away; but even if he did, at least Jim knew the best doctor in Gotham.

Gotham Imagines and One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ