The less evolved Summers(Alex)

Darwin and I have camp in a couple weeks so I just hope we figure this out before then. Can't throw a football properly if my friend is screwed up at home.

Baby Red(Sean)

I just hope Charlie's okay. He's been there for all of us, it's weird.

Hanky with the Good Hair(Hank)

Alex, the sentiment is there but this isn't about football. It is strange but it's up to us to pull him out of whatever gutter he is in. He's done so for us countless times.

Raven groaned when she read all the messages. She knows they are just concerned but them blowing up her phone about it won't make this any easier. And Erik being so concerned about getting his hoodie back was beginning to piss her off. He asked her if he was still wearing a hoodie and if so what hoodie. Like, if he wanted to know why doesn't he just come over and find out?

Thanks for the faith guys. I know how to handle my brother.

Raven locked her phone and set it aside re-reading over the list of topics her brain scrambled together. After scribbling out the more angry portions of the list she landed on what she thought was a good list:

~Why are you avoiding us

~Why do you always spend time with Jack?

~Are you depressed again?

~Did I do something?

~Erik keeps asking about whether or not you're wearing a hoodie.

~Is this about Erik and Emma?

~Are you stressed over the band?

~Are you too overwhelmed?

~Are you hurt?

~Did someone hurt you?

~Are you and Jack okay?

~Is Jack nice?

~Why does Erik call so much?

~Why are you so quiet now?

~You didn't eat dinner for three days last week.

~Is it mom and dad?

Charlie just talk to me please...

Raven bit her lip and sighed, she wasn't all that good with these types of things. This was Charlie's area of expertise, but now it had to be hers. Raven stood up and threw on one of her sweaters before leaving her bedroom and making the short trip to Charlie's door. The wooden floors creaked under her feet and she was reminded of the sea that divided them now. The trip to Charlie's room now felt like she was crossing the Atlantic and that thought terrified her. She couldn't lose her brother, he was all she had. She was so petrified all the time of what lies ahead in her life but with him it was always a bit easier. It was always calmer. There wasn't a way in hell she would be able to brave a world without Charles.

Her knuckles curled as she rapped the door three times. Silence.

"Charlie? Can I come in?" She asked gently, the piece of paper crumpling in her grip. Every cell in her body was scared of what she would find on the other side. Because there's always that fear of what lies behind a silent door. Flashbacks of her own mother's condition riddled her vision and she willed them away with fire and fury.

"Charlie?" She called a bit louder, her voice wavering at the end. Silence.

"Okay, I'm coming in now." She called for a third and final time. Her hand trembled as she turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Wild (Cherik Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora