Chapter 33

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Two months

Two whole months. 

It had been two months since the Battle of Hogwarts. 

To most of the wizarding world it meant two months since their victory. Two months since the defeat of evil forever. Two months since they we finally free. 

But to Hermione it meant the contrary. Two months since she had almost lost Fred. Two months since she had lost her best friend. Two months since the seven Weasley siblings had turned to six. Two months since they were all trapped inside their own heads.

Ron Weasley was dead.

He died a hero's death of course, jumping in front of Luna as Dolohov shot a Killing Curse at her. 

But he left them, forever. 

The Weasleys had been a mess, and so had Harry and Hermione. Hermione wished Ron was here to set things right. To make Mr Weasley talk about Muggle things again. To make Mrs Weasley her usual cheerful, but strict self. To make Bill stop drinking. To make Charlie go back to Romania instead of walking around the back garden in stress. To stop Percy from pulling his hair out. To make Fred and George play pranks again. To make Fleur her usual annoying self. To make Ginny the tough girl again instead of the crying, vulnerable girl. To make Harry stop blaming himself for everything.

But most of all she just wanted him here, sitting with them all, making annoying jokes, and teasing her to no end. 

She couldn't help thinking how it would've been like if Ron hadn't died in the Battle of Hogwarts. Maybe they would've been celebrating happily like the rest of the wizarding world. They would happily feast on Mrs Weasley''s cooking finally, after months of almost starving themselves. They would laugh, joke and finally get a chance to plan their future.

But, yet, here they were, drowned in their sorrow, stuck in their own heads. Try as she might, Hermione  couldn't get rid of his memories.

The Burrow was quiet in the days, no one spoke, but in the nights, sounds of sobbing echoed through the walls. Everyone was completely, utterly broken.

But, maybe, just maybe things we beginning to be normal again.

Harry and Ginny had started dating. Finally, in Hermione's opinion. Those two were meant to be together. Hermione had traced her parents and decided to go and restore their memories - with Fred. They were going to leave next week. Mr Weasley started tinkering with a Muggle tricycle he found, and Mrs Weasley put them all to work, cleaning and scrubbing the house. Bill and Percy went back to work, while Charlie tried to findicate work here in England.

Maybe there was a tiny glimmer of hope for them. Maybe they will move on.

But whether they recover or not, Hermione knew one thing. His memories would always haunt her for the rest of her life. 


(A/N: I'm really sorry, but I wanted tog o somewhere with this story, so I brought this plot twist! Don't kill me, and I'm super sorry for the late update, I'm preparing for my online exams and it's bedlam. 

I just also wanted to add a little announcement of BLACK LIVES MATTER. I'm absolutely enraged on the killing of George Floyd and other Black people in genearly,  they are humans like us, let them live! I've been signing a lot of petitions and  donating a lot to this cause, and protesting o  the streets and spreading the word. Help me out by following whatever of the steps you can!

Anyway, on a side note, any One Direction/Harry Styles fans here? 

Hope you all are safe, x. 


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