Chapter 14

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A/N: A big shoutout to @goddess-of-deathh, @Friday13thfreak,@ChloeKMorris749 and @SummerLeighWind for being some of the first readers of my story, and hence motivating me to keep writing. Thankyou so much guys! Do review the stories in the comments if you can. <3

The Gryffindor team hovered to the floor, arm in arm, punching the air happily. They'd won the match against Slytherin, could they be any happier?

Ginny and Hermione came to stand with the team, grinning from ear to ear, to congratulate Fred, George, Ron and Harry. The twins saw them and George hugged Ginny, while Fred hugged Hermione, twirling the two girls around and around while they squealed. 

"My turn, guys!" shouted Harry to the twins, who set the girls down. Harry hugged Ginny and Hermione both at once. Ron had disappeared from the scene.

"Congratulations! All of you!" Hermione said, breaking apart from Harry.

"Thanks." smiled Katie and Angelina.

"Knew we were bound to win, never lost a match against the Slytherins with Harry, have we?" George said, grinning happily.

"Well, Weasley, that would just be your stroke of luck." a snide voice said. The team, Hermione and Ginny turned to see Draco Malfoy standing there.

"Sod off, Malfoy." Ginny frowned, with a lovely hand gesture.

"Careful, Weaslette." Malfoy said, gesturing right back.

"Don't call me that! Idiot!" shouted Ginny, pulling out her wand, but Hermione restrained her, putting a hand on her shoulder. 

"Don't Ginny. Mrs Weasley said stay out of trouble." she told the furious red-head.

"Yeah...your fat mother. Is she really that giant, or is it just in pictures?" Malfoy sneered. 

Harry grabbed hold of George, while it took the combined efforts of Angelina, Alicia and Katie to retsrain Fred. Hermione didn't let Ginny out of her grasp. 

"Shut UP, Malfoy!" Hermione screamed.

"I suppose your house smells of blood-traitors, does it? Or Muggles too, what with your poor excuse of a father's stupid muggle obsession?" Malfoy continued.

"Malfoy, SHUT THE HELL UP!" Harry roared, feeling George struggle more under his grip.

"Oh, and of mudbloods, with this going around your house...." Malfoy said, nodding towards Hermione. At this Fred lost it. He jumped on Malfoy with such force that the 3 girls restraining him fell backwards, and Malfoy too lost his step. Fred started punching every inch of Malfoy's stupid face. George struggled even more under Harry's grip.

"What is going on here!" a shrill voice trilled. The students spun around to see Umbridge standing there.

"Malfoy was insulting Hermione!" George snarled.

"What exactly did he say?" Umbridge asked, her voice shaking with surpressed rage.

"He called Hermione a-a-a a m-m-mud.... you know what!" Ginny shouted, struggling to sau 'mudblood'. Umbridge's mouth curved up into a thin, faint smile.

"Did he? Well, as he wasn't lying.... Mr.Weasley detenntion!!" Umbridge said triumphantly to Fred. Ginny, George, Fred and Harry gasped. That was so unfair! And she had indirectly called Hermione a mudblood! Hermione's eyes filled with tears.

"Don't you dare call her that you-you-you-" Harry began, but Umbridge cut her off, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"DON'T finish that sentence, Mr.Potter, or it's detention for you too!" Umbridge screamed. Harry was restrained from saying anythinig further by Ginny's hand on his arm. "Now - detention Mr.Weasley! And you Miss Granger!" 

Everyones's mouths fell open. That was so unfair! Ok, Fred had punched Malfoy, but what about Hermione? She'd done nothing at all!

"Why Hermione?" Fred yelled.

"Because she was just standing there, making no attempt to restrain you!" Umbridge shouted back.

"So were we!" George yelled.

"Oh? You want a detention too?" Umbridge asked in a sickly sweet voice. Everyone fell silent. "I thought so. Miss Granger, Mr Weasley, tonight, my office, 7pm sharp." 

"But-" began Fred, but Hermione cut him off.

"We'll be there, Professor." she said firmly. Umbridge gave a curt nod, and left with Malfoy behind her. 

"Hermione! Why did you-!?" Harry  began furiously, but Hermione raised a hand to stop his flow of words.

"Harry, she wants to see us disobey us and be sacred. I will NOT give her the opuurtunity to be happy on that." she said angrily. Fred walked to stand beside Hermione, running a furious hand through his hair, (Which Hermione found incredibly hot). 

"Hermione I'm- I'm sorry... If I hadn't-" he began miserably, but Hermione spoke over him.

"If you hadn't another one of us would have beat him. Don't blame yourself, Fred." she told him. Fred still looked a little sad, but leaned down to kiss her softly.

"Hermione, let's go up to our dorm, I wanted to tell you about - er- something." Ginny said suddenly, catching Hermione's ahnd and blushing a little.

"What-? Aahhh! Ginny, wait, I-" Hermione yelled as Ginny dragged her away unceremoniously.

"Poor Hermione." George laughed.

A/N: In case you guys are wondering, the actual detention will be in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!


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