Chapter 21

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"Go out with me," Ron said suddenly to Hermione in the kitchen. The Weasleys and Harry stared. Why on earth had Ron said that when he knew Fred and Hermione were dating?

"Erm-Ron, I-I'm dating Fred, a-and-" Hermione stuttered unsurely.

"I know," he replied, "but, Hermione, give me a chance -"

"No." said Hermione flatly.

"What?" said Ron dangerously, taking hold of her shoulders, and shaking her. Bill, the twins and Harry charged towards Ron, but it seemed he had put up an invisible shield, and they couldn't get past it, as only Ron could take it off.

"Shit." Bill cursed.

"WHY HIM? WHY MY BROTHER OF ALL PEOPLE!?" Ron shouted at her.

"BECAUSE HE MAKES ME HAPPY!" Hermione shouted back, her eyes glistening with tears.

"I-I could make you happy....." he said hopefully.

"No. Not the way Fred makes me. Ron, please."

"Hermione...." Ron breathed, moving closer to her, as her back touched the wall. Everyone watched horrorstruck, and it hit Hermione what he was doing. He was going to kiss her.

"No..." she murmured faintly, as he slowly came in closer, but he ignored her, and kept coming in closer. When tehre was about an inch of a difference between their lips, Hermione felt something inside her snap. 

"This is ridiculous!" she said. She ducked out from other Ron, and he opened his eyes in surprise.

 He turned around, to see Hermione glaring at her in pure fury. He was taller than her, but at the moment she seemed to be towering over him.

"What part of no did you NOT UNDERSTAND!?" she shouted. Before he could reply, she punched him in the face. 

Ron fell to the floor clutching his nose. The rest stared, and Mr and Mrs Weasley looked the most shocked. 

"Wow." George breathed, not blinking as he stared at Ron's crumpled form.

"'Ermione - I'b soddy-" Ron began, clutching his nose, but Hermione wasn't to hear any of it. She ran upstairs without a word, her face full of tears.

And there was an uproar. Ouch. This was not going to pretty.  

A/N: I'm so sorry for the long break, but I had writer's block! I know this chapter is a little ridiculous, please just bear with me.

Until next time!



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