Chapter 16

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A/N: Just to make it clear, this chapter is the holidays before Hermione's 6th year. 

Hermione walked down the stairs happily, book in hand. She was feeling super hungry, and knew that Mrs Weasley would make her pancakes for breakfast, if she asked.

 She smiled a little at the thought, when someone grabbed her arouond the waist and slung her over their shoulder. She screamed.

"Oi! Quit being so loud, woman, I'm not hurting you!" George exclaimed. Hermione groaned. Why did it have to be her?

 George had taken to carrying Hermione over his shoulder more often now, because he knew she hated it. He loved teasing her sister-in-all-but-blood.

"Merlin, George! Not again!" she yelled furiously. "Put me down!"

"Nope" grinned George, walking down the stairs two at a time. Harry appeared on the foot of the stairs, and Hermione grabbed her chance.

"Harry! Help me!" she begged her best-friend-cum-brother.

"Harry, don't so anything if you don't want to wake up with different body parts." George warned. Harry smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry, 'Mione."

Hermione glared at him, then pounded on George's back with her fists, saying "Put-me-down!" .

George, however, simply closed his eyes and said. "Ahhh..... so comforting. Thanks for the massage, dear sister, it felt good."

Hermione was frustrated. "I'll tell mum!" she shouted, reffering to Mrs Weasley, whom she and Harry called mum. 

"Do, if you get the chance" George replied, walking into the living room, where Ginny and Fred were the only ones sitting. Hermione thought about calling out to her boyfriend for help, but knew it'd be useless; he loved teasing her as much as his twin. 

"GINNY! TELL YOUR GIT OF A BROTHER TO PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" she yelled at her best friend, who jumped up at once, looking around for her wand. Ginny rushed to help Hermione, but Fred caught her and slung her over his shoulder.

"FREDRICK GIDEON WEASLEY, PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Ginny bellowed furiously, but it had no effect on either of the twins, who carried the furious girls to the kitchen, where Tonks and Sirius were conversing in low whispers. 

Sirius stifled a laugh at the sight of them. Tonks raised an eyebrow.

"What's this? Torturing my sisters?" she said. Tonks always reffered to Hermione and Ginny as her 'sisters'.

"Well, they thought they could beat us and argue with us, and here's the consequences!" Fred laughed.

"I didn't argue with any of you!" Hermione shouted at him, causing Sirius to burst out laughing, which was a mistake, because Hermione turned her furious glare on him next. "As soon as I get out of this situation, I'll hex you to the middle of the next century." she threatened loudly, over his loud belly laughs.

Sirius held up his hands in surrender. "Sorry, kitten, Sorry!"

Hermione smacked her forehead. Her nerves were reaching a breaking point now.

"Don't call me kitten!" she said, tired from yelling.

"Why? You're a kitten, and little red here is a bird!" Sirius said cheekily, pointing at her and then Ginny.

"Do you value your life?" Hermione asked him.

"Alot." he retorted happily.

"Then, run." she said quietly, and, mcuh to everyone's surprise, that was exactly what Sirius did! They all burst out laughing. 

"Geooooorrrrggeee! I'm hungryyyyy!" Hermione whined finally, thinking maybe he'd put her down now.

"Sorry, no breakfast for you." he replied, carrying her to the living room, while Ginny still struggled with Fred.

"Hungry?" George asked himself after ten minutes, seeing Hermione'd given up.

"Yes," she mumbled in response. George took an apple out of his pocket, and threw it to her. She caught it deftly, and stared at him.

"What? You didn't think I was gonna let you starve did you?" he asked, and Hermione laughed. 

"Of course not." she said, kissing his cheek.

She was lucky to be an only child, yet have so many brothers and a sister.

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