Chapter 15

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Hermione took a deep breath, and started descending the stairs od her dormitory slowly. She had to be brave. She was a Gryffindor, after all. She wouldn't give Umbridge the satisfaction of seeing her scared or fearful, even if it was all very unfair.

She found Fred waiting for her in the common room. He had one emotion written clearly all over his face, and it wasn't fear. It was guilt. He was looking guilty and sad, as George muttered something to him quietly, trying to cheer him up. Hermione came to a halt in front of him, and cleared her throat awkwardly. 

"Er - should we go, then?" she asked quietly, and Fred looked, if possible even more guilty and sad as he followed her out of the common room. 

"Em.... I-I'm sorry." Fred sighed finally, as he and Hermione walked through a deserted corridor together. 

"Wait - what?" Hermione asked, bewildered.

"I'm sorry! I got you into this trouble, I don't deserve you -"

"-Don't you dare complete that sentence, Fred Weasley! You're not still blaming yourself for this, are you?"

"It is my fault -!" Fred began miserably, but again, Hermione interuppted him furiously.

"-FRED! I swear, if you say it's your fault one more time, I'll Obliviate you so that you don't remember all this!" she threatened. 


"- No buts! Do me a favour, and shut up. If you blame  yourself I will curse you. That- that vile woman was just looking for an excuse to do me in, she'd have given me detention for such a thing as 'recieved and O in her test, must've cheated' or something, Fred, it is NOT your fault!" Hermione ranted angrily. Fred looked much better, and much less guilty. He grinned sheepishly. 

"I-well you didn't leave me a choice, did you?" he asked, chuckling. Hermione laughed too.

"Nope, so don't blame yourself!" she chatised. Fred said nothing, he simply bent down to kiss her softly, his warm lipsmoving in a rythym over hers, making her knees go weak. 

"I - we won't be able to reach Umbridge's office in time of this continues...." Hermione gasped finally.

"Hell with Umbridge. I want to snog you senseless." Fred growled. Hermione blushed and giggled, but pushed him away.

"Later, Fred." she said. Fred pouted.

"Whhhhyyyyyy???" he whined.

"Beacuse we have detention."

Fred sighed dramatically.  "Fine, but we will do this later, as you said."

"Er - ok?"


"Uhh fine... promise."

They interwined their fingers and went off to Umbridge's office silently. Before going on, Hermione turned to Fred.

"Promise me you won't say anything to her, no matter what?" she asked.

"I- Em, if she-" Fred began protesting, but Hermione cut him off.

"-Please, Fred, just promise me!" she said pleadingly.

"Fine. Promise." Fred sighed, resigned. 

"Thank you." she whispered, and pecked his lips quickly. She knocked on the door tentatively.

"Come in!" a sickly-sweet voice called out. Fred pushed open the door, looking paler than usual, and he and Hermione stepped in, letting the door close behind them. Umbeidge simled evilly.

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