Chapter 3

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"What kind of a brother would he be, if he never teased me?"

6 Years later:

Ginny Weasley had decided to stay at Hogwarts for the Easter Holidays of her 3rd year, with her best friend Hermione. But only five days into the holidays, Hermione had to leave because her parents said that there was an 'emergency', and Ginny got bored quickly and decided to return to The Burrow for the remainder of the holidays.

When Ginny arrived at the Burrow, with her parents (who had picked her up from Hogwarts, and they had then disapparated from Hogsmeade), she found that her Auntie Cassieopia and cousin Nicole were there too. They hadn't seen them in a very long time. Nicole was older than Ginny, but the two always had a playful banter going around. 

"Hallo, Ginny!" Nicole said, embracing Ginny happily.

"Hello, Nikki!" Ginny greeted, hugging her back. "Hello, Auntie Cassie!"

Cassieopia raised her hand and smiled brightly in greeting. Ginny walked into the living room where Bill and Charlie were sitting, playing Exploding Snap. Ginny hadn't expected them to be there. Last time she'd checked, Bill was in Egypt, and Charlie in Romania. 

When they saw her, Bill and Charlie threw away their cards at once when they saw Ginny, standing up, and embracing her tightly.

"PIP!", they exclaimed together.

"Pip?" Nicole asked, eyebrows raised.Before Ginny could stop him, Charlie said:

"Oh, yeah. When Ginny braids her red hair, she looks like Pippin Longstocking from the cartoon show."

Nicole doubled up in laughter. Oh no, thought Ginny.

"I DoNOT look like Pippin Longstocking!" Ginny scowled.

"I'm joking, love" Charlie consoled.

"Yeah, you're much prettier than Pippin." Bill agreed.

They walked to the stairs together, only to come across Ron and Percy. 

"Hi Ginny. Thought you decided to stay at school." Ron said tonelessly, not exactly delighted to see her, but Ginny hugged him all the same, though rolling her eyes.

"Hi Ginevra!" Percy smiled, knowing she hated her full name. Ginny hadn't seen Percy for quite a while either, because he was so busy with 'work'.

"Don't call me Ginevra!" Ginny scowled.

"I was teasing, Ginny."


She hugged him, and he hugged her back, all dignity forgotten.

"Oh, the time! I'm sorry, Ginny, but I'm running late, I have to go to the Ministry. It's so good to see you, but if you don't mind, I'll go now. We'll catch up later!" Percy said, and strode off.

"I DO mind!" Ginny yelled after him.

"See if I care!" he yelled back, jokingly. 

Ginny laughed, and went back into the living room. She was itching to meet Fred and George, but she wanted them to come themselves to see her, as a surprise, because they still knew she was staying at school. 

Just as she sat down, Fred and George apparated into the room, and with a squeal, Ginny ran into the open arms of her favourite brothers. Fred picked her up and spun her around, and George did the same as soon as Fred sat her down.

She was still getting used to the dizziness, when the twins hugged her from both sides, squeezing her in between, and yelling " Weasley Twin Sandwich!". The Weasleys, and Casseiopia and  even Nicole were smiling at them.

"Why are you guys acting like you haven't seen me in centuries?" Ginny inquired.

"It has been centuries, fair lady!" Fred said, dramatically. Ginny smacked his arm.

"How are you, Munchkin?" George asked, and Ginny was just about to point out that he saw her five days ago at Hogwarts, when Nicole choked on her tea. 

"M-munchkin!" she laughed. Ginny glared at her. 

"What about you? What does Dan call you?" she asked. Nicole stopped laughing abruptly.

"I'm sorry! No, Ginevra Weasley, don't you dare!" Nicole cried, as Ginny opened her mouth.

"Dion". Ginny laughed. Casseiopia burst into laughter too. Nicole glared at Ginny, embarassed. The Weasleys just looked confused.

"Er - Dion?" Charlie voiced what the Weasleys were wondering.

"It means kind of like a! Yeah, it means banshee in Urdu, it's a language common in Pakistan." Ginny explained, and the Weasleys couldn't help their laughter.

"I will get you back for this."  Nicole told Ginny, who promptly stuck her tongue out at her. 

"Real Mature." Bill chuckled, and received a well aimed cushion in the face by Ginny.

"You hate her much, Ginny?" Fred whispered in her ear. Ginny shook her head.

"Oh no. I don't hate her. It's - it's complicated. I love her, but.... maybe that's why we.... oh, I don't know! It's just friendly rivalry, get it?" she explained.

Percy flooed back from the Ministry, because "Mr. Crouch said I deserved a well-earned day off.", and Ron came to sit in the living room too. 

Bill and Charlie stood up, and hugged Ginny, surprising her, but they hadn't seen her in a long time.  She laughed and hugged them back. 

"Oi, us too!" Fred said, and the twins joined the group.  Ron shrugged and joined in too. 

"Come on in, Perce!" Ginny called, her voice muffled into Bill's shirt.  Percy raised an eyebrow, and got up to join the group. They stood there hugging for about 30 seconds before Percy said:

" What exactly are we doing?"

"We're hugging." Ginny said obviously.

Arthur, Molly, Cassieopia, and Nicole laughed fondly. 

The Weasley siblings' affection really did run deep. 

I'm not very proud of this chapter, but I hope you like it! x


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