Chapter 25

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A/N: Thankyou to those two wonderful readers who appreciated my story, and motivated me to write! This chapter is dedicated to you!

It was an extremely hot Sunday, and Hermione laid on the sofa in jean shorts and t-shirt, trying to cool off by the open window. She had her hair thrown up into a messy bun, as she did a cooling charm on herself and around her.

She sighed as the cool breeze hit her warm face. Finally, she could get comfortable and get started on her new book.

"Ahem." She leaned her book down to see George standing there and looking at her feet. She huffed and pulled her feet closer to her body so he could sit. He sat down and began to scribble some notes on a small parchament.

She was uncomfortable in her new position so she stretched her feet out and placed them in his lap, re-opening her book.

"What am I? A footrest?" She heard him scoff.

"At the moment"

He ran the backside of his quill down her foot, causing her to squeak and flail her legs. He grabbed them as one almost hit him in the face. 

"Watch it, Granger! You almost took my eye out!"

"Then maybe you should watch where you're putting that quill."

"You're lucky I'm appreciative of this breeze, otherwise I would've thrown you off the sofa."

Before Hermione could retort, Harry and Ginny came over. Harry sat where her head had been moments ago, while Ginny sat on the floor. Hermione sighed, grabbed her pillow and threw it in George's lap; he moved his pen and paper just in time.

She laid her head down, placing her feet in Harry's lap.

"May I help you?" George said, looking down at her

"I was here first. I'm just fighting to keep my territory!"

"Get up!"

"I was here first!"

"Only your feet!"

"Still counts!"

"I'm bigger!"

"I'm better!"

Ginny and Harry were openly laughing at their banter. George tried to take Hermione's book, but she clung to it, right when Fred walked into the doorway.

"What is going on here?" he asked, confused at the sight of his twin and girlfriend seemingly wrestling with eachother.

"He's taking my book!"

"She sat on me!"

"I was here first!"

"Whatever. I'm gonna go to meet Ange now, but remember, Granger, this is farr from over." George warned, walking away. 

Fred laughed and sat with Hermione, asking her to read the book out loud for him. She smiled and obliged.

Unknown to them, Fred's parents stood in the doorway, looking on.

"They're good for each other, don't you think, Molly? He makes her laugh, and she settles him down." Mr Weasley commented quietly.

"I agree. I've never seen him this sweet with anyone; she brings that out in him."

"I'm glad."

"Me too. Anyway, Arthur, I should start cooking. Angelina and Andromeda are coming over."

Sunday dinners were something everyone looked forward to. Tonight, George had decided to keep annoying Hermione to get back at her for that afternoon. He kept following her around while she set the table, pretended to help her, but actually teased her.

She would set a fork down next to a plate, but he would pick it up and move it to the other side. After stopping this for 3 times, she looked around furiously, putting a hand on her hip.

"That is not helping!"

"This isn't a formal dinner, little Herms. I like them better on this side."

"They don't go there! They go on this side!"

"Says who?"


"Since when do we care what society thinks? The Weasley society says to put them this way."

"Now you're just being ridiculous!"

"Am I? Well I find conforming to society ridiculous."

"You are incorrigible!" She stomped her foot in frustration.

George smiled. He loved getting her all riled up. In a sisterly way, of course.

He noticed her hand going to her wand, probably to hex that smile right off his face, but he caught her and carried her over his shoulder easily.

"You put me down this instant!" she demanded. "FRED! HELP! I'm being kidnapped by your twin!" 

George rolled his eyes. "Stop being over-dramatic, Hermyyyy"

"Shut up!" she noticed he was heading towards the pond and gasped. "Don't you dare, George!"

"I'm a Weasley twin, I never say no to a dare."

"George!" she warned as he made his way up the dock.

He tried to throw her in, but she pulled him along with her. They came up sputtering, and soaking wet.

"You-you-you complete arse, George!" she said, holding on to the dock.

"Ahem." They looked up to find Fred.

"You're a little late. I called for help before he threw me in." she told him.

"Looks like you got him back, though." Fred laughed, helping her out. They both walked back to the Burrow.

"Don't worry about me! I'll find my own way back, then!" George called from behind them.

Fred and Hermione entered the kitchen, the latter sopping wet, causing Mrs Weasley to gasp.

"What happend to you, dear!?"

"Ask George." Hermione grumbled, and watched with satisfaction as Mrs Weasley figured it out herself, and screamed.


"Arghhh, runnn!"

Hermione choked on her warm tea at George's reply and laughed outright. The Weasleys had as much drama in their family as a soap opera.

A/n: I hope you guys like it! I'm supposed to be doing by homework, and I have my Maths exam on Monday, but I still uploaded a chapter for you guys.



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