Chapter 20

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Hermione Granger couldn't sleep. She kept having nightmares, and it was horrible. The most common nightmare was of Fred dying, and that was exactly why she was awake right now, her eyes swollen and red from crying, tiptoeing down the stairs to Fred and George's room.

She pushed the dor open, and cringed as it creaked loudly. Her wand tip was still alight so that she could see where she was going.

"What's with the bloody light?" George groaned, snapping awake.

"Sorry, George.... Nox." she whispered, and the room went dark again.

"Come here." Fred told her. He could barely see her outline since his eyes hadn't adjusted to the dark yet, but he heard his bed creak, and sag next to him as she sat down and put a hand on his arm. He pulled her with him. She snuggled into his neck, and draped an arm over his stomach.

It took only a few seconds before Hermione whimpered and began to cry. She must have had a particularly bad nightmare, Fred thought, she only snuck into our room once before.

"Hey... It's ok, I'm here." Fred consoled, pulling her flush against him.

George sighed. "Move over..."

Hermione gave a small laugh, as she and Fred moved over to let George in. He laid behind her, and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Thank you." she mumbled, her voice muffled against Fred's neck.

"Nothing like a twin sandwich to lighten the mood!" George told her happily.

"Best kind of sandwich." she grinned.

The bathroom light turned on, blinding the trio,and Ginny disappeared behind the door. She came out, and stared at them.

"I wondered where you had gone! What are you doing?" Ginny asked Hermione, turning off the bathroom light, and entering the room.

"Come join us." Hermione invited, holding out her hand. Fred groaned. Four people? Honestly.

Hermione backed up towards George, and Fred turned sideways facing her, to get Ginny to fit.

"Really, Herms, how do you deal with all this hair?" George asked, trying to blow it out of his face. She giggled and smoothed it away with her hand.

She reached around Fred, and held on to Ginny's hand, resting her arm on her boyfriend's hip.

Hermione and Fred stared at eachother for a moment, their noses only a couple of inches apart, till she suddenly smirked. Fred lifted an eyebrow and that smirk grew into a full-blown grin.

"I have my own bed full of Weasleys." All of them laughed at this statement from the bushy-haired bookworm.

"It's a shame Harry has to miss this." Ginny said from behind Fred. Hermione let out a small laugh.

"Next time, I'll make sure to send him an invitation." she assured.

"Make sure you do an extention charm next time." George requested. 

"Deal." she grinned. "Goodnight, George."

"Goodnight, Herms."

"Goodnight, Fred."

"Goodnight, love." he replied, dropping a kiss on her forehead.

"Goodnight Ginny."

"Goodnight sis." Ginny said sleepily.

"You do know we're not real sisters, right?" Hermione laughed.

"Of course we are. We're practically the same soul!"

"Can't say I disagree with that." Fred piped in. George nodded in agreement.

"Ohhkaayyy then. Goodnight Ginny - er - sis." Hermione laughed, squeezing Ginny's hand. 

The four laughed, and slowly drifted off to sleep, snuggled with one another.


And that was how Molly Weasley found them the next morning, snuggled together, and sleeping peacefully. She smiled at the sight.

"Well, will you look at that.." Arthur commented, smiling. Molly's eyes filled with tears. All ten of her children loved eachother dearly. (Harry, Hermione and even Fleur being her surrogate son and daughters.)

The couple looked on for some more time, before heading downstairs, letting their children sleep peacefully.


The 'children' woke up an hour later. Fred was the second to wake up, because of Hermione moving against him. She propped up on her elbow, and Fred shimmied onto his back, and sighed. That was much better.

Fred reached out and tried to move some of Hermione's hair out of her face, but it ended up smacking George in the face.

"HAIR! I CAN'T BREATHE!" George practically yelled, smacking her hair away.

"Let's be dramatic, shall we?" Fred asked him.

George reached around Hermione and poked him hard in the ribs. 

"Ouch! What did you do that for? Break my ribs, why don't you?"

"Let's be dramatic, shall we?" George mocked. Fred growled back at him, and felt Ginny move behind him.

"Morning, sunshine!" he called over his shoulder. Ginny stretched and turned, forgetting she didn't have room.

There was a clunk, and an "Oomph!" The twins and Hermione laughed.

"I suspect the Weasley genes lack any form of gracefulness." Fred mentioned, snorting.

The door creaked open, and they turned to find Molly Weasley standing there.

" Good Morning, dears! Sleep well?"

"As good as can be expected with Hermione's hair attacking me. It rivals with the Giant Squid!" George complained.

"Fred is right. You're being dramatic." Hermione tutted.

"I can see I wore out my welcome." George scoffed, and got out of bed for the bathroom. 

"Come on, 'Mione. Let's go make some morning coffee." Ginny said, standing by the door.

Hermione got out of bed, put on her slippers, and joined Ginny on the way downstairs. 

That night was certainly fun.

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