"Hey, to what do i owe this pleasure." He said into the phone as his girlfriend laughed

"What can't a girl call her boyfriend?" She said laughing

"No, i would love it if you called me at work more." He said as Kara took a mental note.

"Noted." She said smiling

"Anyway i know you didn't call me just to hear my voice." He said

"How do you know, your voice is like music to my ears." She joked as Barry laughed. It sounded like a joke but Kara meant every word.

"Well i wanted to ask you something." She said nervously as Barry took his phone from his shoulder and held it in his hand

"Yeah, why are you so nervous?" He asked 

"Actually i don't want to ask you over the phone can you meet me at my apartment when you get off of work?" She asked as Barry nodded

"Yeah sure." He said slightly scared that she was breaking up with him

"Great see you soon love you." She replied

"Okay, love you too." He said smiling and hanging up and putting his phone downas Patty spoke up.

"Was that you Dad or....." She asked

"Nope, my girlfriend." He said smiling which quickly faded

"You don't seem to happy about it though." Patty replied trying to hide her sadness

"Yeah she said she has something to tell me, i'm just scared she's gonna break up with me." He sadly admitted

"I don't see a reason why any girl would want to leave you." Patty said as Barry looked up at her and smiled

"Thanks." He replied 

"Anytime and if you need a shoulder to cry on, i'm right here." She said smiling as Barry nodded

After Barry's shift had ended he packed his stuff up and leave to and face heartbreak.

"Hey Patty aren't you going home?" Barry asked as Patty looked up from her report 

"Nah, it's my first day i wana make a good impression." She replied

"Well don't stay to long Singh hates it when your late and especially when your excuse is that you slept in." He said speaking from experience

"Thanks Barr." She said looking at him

"Can i call you Barr?" She asked 

"I'd prefer Barry." He said smiling. That nickname was reserved for his girlfriend ot his soon to be ex-girlfriend. Or so he thought

"Barry it is then." Patty said 

He made his way to Kara's apartment making up senerios in his head on how she was going to break-up with him. He made it to her front door and nervously knocked. 

Kara was on her couch watching 'Singing in the rain' when there was  a knock at the door. She smiled and ran to the door to reveal a sad looking Barry.

"Hey, Barr" She said dropping her smile when she saw Barry'd frown and a few tears sliding down his cheek

"Hey, are you okay?" She asked with concern Barry looked at her with tears in his eyes

"Why?" Was all he asked as Kara look at him in confusion

"Why what?" 

"Whay are you breaking up with me?" He asked as Kara wiped his tears and hugged him as tightly as her arms would allow her

"Barr, i'm not breaking up with you, the opposite in fact." She replied tearing up a little into his chest

"Then why are you crying?" He asked slightly confused

"Because it breaks my heart that i made you think i was ending our relationship." She replied as Barry wiped her tears

"I'm sorry, but you sounded so nervous over the phone and i shouldn't have but i did and i assumed the worst." He replied as Kara smiled

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to move in withme, i understand if you don't want t-" Her nervous rambling was cut off by Barry.

"I would love that more then anything." He said lifting her chin up and giving her the most passionate kiss 

"I love you Kara." he said as Kara smiled widely at him

"I love you too Barry Allen." She said kissing him again

Barry and Kara smiled at eachother and walked into her apartment

"When should i start moving my stuff here?" He asked as Kara walked over to him from the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Tomorrow, but for right now i want to spend my night with you." She said as Barry wrapped his arms aroun her waist.

"I like the way you think." He said kissing her as Kara smiled and deepened the kiss further. He caught her drift and lifted her up and carried them to their bedroom. Unlike the other times they weren't doing this for pleasure or fun but to show eachother how much they loved one another.

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