Qing: I think I like children. I mean, I love JR and I am fond of Candy. I also like Meng's son. I think I can be good to children.

Me: Of course, you do. Remember to drive safely.

Qing: (kissing my lips) I will. I love you.

Me: I love you too. Message me if you have some free time.

Qing: (winking at me) I will.

I waved at him goodbye before I started getting ready. Goddess' meeting will start before lunch so I have to be on her unit early to help her while she prepare herself.

I took time to primp up, of course she needs time to look good as well. Apparently, this association is sort of a big deal. Lots of the members are respected ladies of the society in different fields. The Goddess has to look perfect as she is a celebrity and a national angel during her active time in show business.

After showering and making sure my gadgets and chargers are on my medium sized travel bag, I crossed the hallway to be on the Goddess' unit. I was immediately greeted by Candy, my sweet sweet girl.

Me: (picking her up) Hello, my love.

Candy: (all pretty smile and ruffles) Yayu.

Me: That's right, it's Yayu at your service. What should we do today?

Candy: (pointing at the kitchen) Omma!

Goddess: (standing by the kitchen counter) I hope she won't make a fuss once I leave. I already readied her bottles, they are all clean. Everything she'll need are on her room. If you will give her a bath...

Me: I'll make sure the water is just fine. We will be fine. No worries.

Goddess: (looking relieved) Really, thank you for doing this.

Me: This is what friends do. Stop thanking me.

Goddess: Right. I better get ready. Have you eaten breakfast yet? I made porridge. You can add some squash or salted dried shrimp on it for taste.

Me: I already ate with my husband to be. Maybe later, Candy and I can have porridge for lunch.

Goddess: Okay. (checking the clock) Oh I have to get ready!

She took off her apron and race to the bedroom. Candy and I look at each other. I poked her smooth cheek.

Me: Shall we play?

Candy: Ya!

Candy and I went to her toy chest and started putting out things from it. We made a tower from her blocks and grouped her princess stickers based on the color of their dress.

We also sing along on children songs in her tablet and read a book about a little caterpillar that became a beautiful butterfly.

Me: (reading the book to her) And from then on...no one calls the caterpillar wrinkly and ugly again. It has now become the most beautiful creature in that garden. (pausing) Huh? These garden creatures are such bullies.

Candy: Acky.

Me: What?

Candy: Acky. Yayu.

Me: Achy? You feel achy? Where? Are you hurt?

Goddess: She means shaky. She is asking for her bottle.

I looked up and was almost blinded by her beauty. The Goddess is still on her robe but her hair and make up are now fully done.

Me: Wow! You are beautiful. I think I am straight again.

Goddess: Silly. And yes, I deserve that adoration.

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