Chapter 36: Survival

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A seven year old girl ran through the woods away from the shouting, away from the fire, and away from her old home. Her ash covered torn play dress flew behind her, somewhat restricting the movement of her legs.

She hated it.

Despite what her legs and her lungs told her to, she didn't stop running. She had to get away. Her father could come back and take her away if he knew she didn't die. Or those loud sirens could be the people her father told her he would take her to.

Her dress got caught on a low tree branch and it ripped as she fell to the ground. Her long hair that had fallen out of its braid covered her face as the dirt got into the wound on her cheek and she quickly got to her feet, not bothering to dust herself off.

All she heard was the loud thumping of her heartbeat and the lasting ringing in her ear from the gunshots.

Finally, her legs gave out on her and she fell down again.

"Ow," She mumbled as she looked down at her arm.

There were burns trailing up her arm. New ones. Dirt covered them and she looked around.

She heard the sound of water trickling nearby and she followed it to a small creek. She tried to kneel down by the side of the water but her foot slipped and she fell into the water with a yelp.

Not for the first time that day, she cried.

She lost everything.

With tears still running down her cheeks, she lowered her arms back into the rushing creek water to numb the sting of the burns. She didn't bother moving from her place in the water.

She put a hand to her cheek and winced at the pain. The water seemed to clean the wound but it still hurt.

Pushing the pain aside to the depths of her mind, she tried to do the one thing that Seiza always told her to do in situations like this: analyze and adapt.

For the first time, she thanked her sisters habit to be paranoid. Seiza was always anxious about being in situations that were life threatening and bought many books about survival and life tips. One of them happened to be a nature guide that Sora had read when she was bored and her father wasn't beating her or making her study.

She took a sip of the water out of curiosity. It tasted bad but at least it was water, right?

Hoisting herself from the water was hard after being so content to sit there and die. But she knew she couldn't. She had to take down her father first.

She tore the bottom of her wet soaked dress and wrapped her arms up as a makeshift bandage. The bottom of her dress had been black like her sisters dress. Looking at the black bandage on her arms looked somewhat aesthetic to her. She brushed it off, she could think about that later.

She was in the middle of thinking when she heard a low growl behind her.

Turning around, she was met with the vicious teeth of a wolf. It was brown and had a slim body with a short tail. It's claws were shinny in the evening sun as it stocked towards the girl.

It stared at her for a moment before it stopped growling. The girl didn't pick up on it and only made a run for it. She left the wolf behind, leaving it confused and dazed. Thinking about why a young human pup was all alone. She wouldn't have been able to answer that question herself for a long time.


It was a week later and she regretted running from that creek. It was a water supply and a she ran from it all because of a stupid dog.

Arrows Piercing Fly (My Hero Academia Universe)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang