Chapter 18: Raining Arrows

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Nezu's POV

I was going over the recordings of the past meetings I had with the troubled teen through a walkman. I knew that Kuro's partner, Droplet, didn't know about the meetings and I didn't want her to somehow hack and find the recordings so I decided against using a phone to record. The light headphones were up in my ears and felt somewhat strange.

I listened and wrote down notes on how to help them.

It's strange now that I think about it while listening back. Kuro acts completely different from her vigilante persona.

Sure she's sarcastic a little but when meeting with me she seemed a little less cheeky than in reported meetings.

Villains she had taken down reported that she was very happy, cheeky and relaxed.

She may have been sarcastic with me but not as much, kinda like she was somewhat withdrawn from complete relaxation.

Was she afraid?

Kuro may have been afraid, I could tell she didn't fully trust me yet even though she seemed to warm up a little bit.

Maybe her Kuro persona was a way of escape?

Like the way it was with the guitar?

She told me she didn't want people to hurt, and when I looked back over the recording of the first meeting she had said she didn't want me to be betrayed. That she didn't want anyone to be played for then treated like trash and thrown away.

Did that mean something?

I was frustrated honestly that I still had so many questions. I had to figure out or have her tell me who she was so that I could now how to help her. I needed to know what had happened to her so I could work on the best way to help but I couldn't meet her until the week after this because she wasn't in town.

Why was she in Hosu anyway?

I took down a few more notes before I sat back in the chair and started coming up with possible reasons for why the vigilante hopped towns for the week.

"Is there an event going on that she has to attend? Is she visiting family? That's unlikely but it could be. Is she meeting someone? Was their a case she was working on that required the trip? Was she going on an infiltration mission? Wait...," My stomach dropped at the sudden realization of what was going on in Hosu right now.


I hoped that that wasn't the case and that it was just a coincidence, there wouldn't be any proof she was unless it came over the news that she had brought him down or that she had....

I didn't want to think like that so I pushed that thought away.

It was then that I remembered the flash drive she had given me. I knew it probably had more information on the league so I took it out of my pocket and opened it up on my computer.

It did have more on the League of Villains... and also who the traitor was.

It didn't have any names in it. Just possible ways they might be getting info to Shigaraki Tomura about our school, things they might be leaking, and possibilities on what their quirk is.

I was somewhat glad that she didn't give any names. It meant that I could find who it was myself with the information she gave me and that I wouldn't doubt her decision and think she was lying.

Pulling out the drive and putting it with the others made me realize just how much the girl is growing on me. That I had become obsessed with trying to help her. Capturing Kuro and Droplet and having them enrolled in the hero course had been my main objective. Now that I was close I started thinking, "What about after their in custody? What would happen?"

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