Chapter 30: Never Ending Doors

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(Mild Gore Warning)

Nezu's POV

Aizawa, Sekijiro, and I sat at large white table with a crowd of reporters and news writers in front of us. Camera men with microphones sat in the background as one reporter with a brown suit on kept spouting the same shit about us being arrogant.
Try doing my job, asshole, and see how you like it.

I kept a neutral face on as to not hint at the guilt, anger, and turmoil I was truly feeling. I answered questions here and there, being honest with each one.

None of them asked about Kuro or Ragdoll, though I wasn't expecting them to. The press only knew that young Bakugo was taken, not Kuro or Ragdoll, as the police were told to keep that under wraps.

My mind was only half there at the moment. Anxieties that the mission would fail and we might not be able to save one of them.

Aizawa seemed pissed as well, but instead of showing his usual stoic bored face, he wore a face of calm and silent resentment.

He was probably anxious as well. I remembered him being upset that he couldn't join the rescue mission, and in all honesty, they could've used his help, but the press might take it the wrong way if the teacher of the student that was kidnapped was absent from the conference.

I prayed silently that the plan would work.

No one's POV

In a room at the police station stood several pro heroes getting ready for attack.

Tsukauchi wore a bullet proof vest and was explaining the course of action that was to be taken. The detective stood in the back near the ambulances had rolled in quietly, behind the team of armed men and the line of pro heroes.

They decided to get as many heroes as possible to be at each location, ready for any outcome.


Meanwhile, in an underground bar. Shigaraki came into the room as a certain explosive blonde woke up once more. Dazed as to what was happening while being strapped down in a chair.

Shigaraki sat down in one of the bar stools, the other villains joining in when they saw him stir. They wondered if the boy would finally listen to them.

The boy finally got to his senses. Although, instead of shouting like he had done before, he stared daggers at them with his strawberry red eyes.

"Ill ask you one more time, Katsuki Bakugo. Aspiring hero," Shigaraki started. "Will you join the League of Villains?"

Bakugo smiled widely and cockily, showing all teeth. "Go throw yourself into traffic," He remarked without yelling.

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes from underneath the hand on his face.

But instead of lashing out at the boy, Shigaraki turned to the TV in the room and switched it on the the UA conference. After a second or two of watching he turned the TV off and looked back at the boy.

"Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism. But everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Modern-day heroes sure have it rough.
Don't you think, Bakugo?"

Spinner, who was at the time in the back of the room, spoke up, "Once a hero receives payment to protect people, they aren't a real hero anymore. That's what Stain's actions taught us."

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