Chapter 17: Two Arrows

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No ones POV

Sora felt like she was floating in water.

Cold, dark, and lonely water.

It surrounded her completely, holding her down and making her muscles feel tired with just one movement.

Her eyes felt heavy and her chest was aching.

She couldn't breath.

Sora didn't have the energy to exert panic and just let herself fall deeper. She did this anyway.

She opened her eyes and suddenly she wasn't in water anymore. She was in a small living room of a 3 bedroom apartment. Well furnished and decorated with photos. The photos had 4 people in each of them.

Sora looked around, confused but also scared.

Looking down and saw she wasn't wearing her Kuro outfit anymore. She was wearing a black T shirt and a red flannel shirt over it and black yoga pants. Her hair was long and went down her neck to her back, becoming a more lighter shade at the tips.

Sora turned around and there stood a woman no over than 20. She wore a blue dress that went teal as it flowed down to the hem and had a black belt on her waist. She wore fishnet leggings and gloves with a black choker on her neck. The woman had long red brown hair that got lighter at the tips and went down to her waist. She had freckles that dotted her face and black eyeliner that went with her grey eyes.

The woman had a worried face as she stood at the other end of the living room, looking down at Sora.

Sora looked up at the woman as she crossed the room slowly and put her hands on Sora's shoulders firmly but still gently.

Sora didn't flinch.

The woman opened her mouth and began trying to speak but no words came out. She couldn't hear what she was saying.

"W-what?" Sora asked, her voice shaking. Tears were beginning to well in her eyes and one escaped down her cheek.

The woman's face only got more concerned as she tried speaking louder. Sora still couldn't hear her.


The voice that screamed was mixed with both sadness, fear, and concern. It was a voice that once held and still held a great love.

The moment Sora heard it though, she woke up and lunged forward. Stabbing at nothing. She was drenched in sweat and had a tear stain on her cheek.

Sora looked around herself and found she was still in the alleyway she was in the night before and was still wearing her Kuro outfit. The sun was out and she didn't have the cover of night anymore.

Kuro got up and patted herself down, getting some of the dirt off her cloak and pulled her mask down to wipe her face and then grabbed her backpack, she walked further into the alley to a place no one would come by and changed into a normal hoodie. It was dirty like her other ones, and the hoodie she had bought recently was with Nowane.

She slipped on her blue running shoes and put her outfit into the backpack. Sora still had the ear device in her ear and turned it on as she pulled an iPad out of the backpack.

"Nowane? You there?" Sora asked into the device as she pulled the small compatible bow out of the bag and put it in her pocket and slid a few arrows down her back and they stayed.

"You know it. You ok over there," came a voice from the other end.

"Alright, can you tell me where Iida Tenya is interning? That's why I'm here," She asked.

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