Chapter 15: Thank you

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Please point out any grammatical errors or typos and I'll fix them.

Nezu's POV

It was the same story as last week.

I left UA late at night and followed the route to the building. It wasn't a full moon like last time so it was darker out but not really a problem for me.

I looked around myself warily as my small legs walked. My big shoes made a continuous tapping on the sidewalk. I walked with an urgency. Knowing the kid I was about to meet up with the was a vigilante but also a girl with an obvious mental problem concerned me. This was a delicate situation and needed to be handled carefully. After I left last time I began to wonder if Droplet had the same kind of troubles too? I knew that at some point I was going to have to tell the others about these meetings. Although if they don't ask then I'm not lying about anything.

When I got to the building I climbed the side of the building on the ladder with much difficulty due to my short legs and heard music again.

I heard it before I even made it to the top.

It was the same as the last song I heard: soft, enticing, and pretty, but sad. I made the rest of the way up as quiet as possible and once I made it to the top I saw Kuro sitting in the same spot but this time she was sitting on a ragged old blanket and her bag was open next to her.

Kuro wore the same black dirty hoodie over her head like last time. It draped over her like a thin blanket and outlined her surprisingly thin person. She wore a different pair of black leggings but her blue shoes were still the same. She also wore the same black sick mask that covered the whole bottom part of her face. Kuro had her eyes closed as she sang and played a song on the beat up guitar.

What I also noticed was that she had white bandages wrapped around her leg where she had been stabbed last week.

I sat on the ledge of the building facing her as she continued to play.

I had been told that she had incredible reflexes hearing and eyesight, along with speed to rival my students, but at the moment she looked like she couldn't hear or see the world around her. Kuro kept her eyes closed in fact. Like it was just her and the guitar. It was like that for me as well. I sat and watched and the rest of the world fell away as all I could see was the girl stringing the cords as her voice came out like a melody.

The song she sang was in english.

I knew that she must know english due to the fact she used the english alphabet as a key to her flash drive but the way she was singing was fluent. I understood what she was saying and the lyrics to the song were beautiful but at the same time sad.

The song ended and she still held her eyes closed.

"You have quite the musical talent."

Kuro opened her eyes quickly in a moment of panic from being caught off guard but relaxed her shoulders when she saw me sitting there with two flasks filled with tea that I pulled out of nowhere.

"Thanks, it's the only english song I know"

I got up and walked over as she put the guitar next to her and put the pick back in her bag. She dug in the bag for a moment and I could see the dark cloak that had been described to me from Aizawa. But it wasn't the cloak she pulled out, instead she pulled out a small pouch and opened it.

Then pulled out ANOTHER thumb drive.

I sat down at her other side as she was closing up her bag again. She turned to me as I held out one of the flasks to her.

Her grey-blue eyes looked at it with confusion as her brow furrowed. I motioned for her to take it and she did so hesitantly, then proceeded to lower the mask to a bit and sniff the inside.

Arrows Piercing Fly (My Hero Academia Universe)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz