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"Bun, it's cold. Please close the window." Jimin said as he curled up on the sofa due to the freezing breeze of the wind that goes through the opened window.

Jungkook was standing in front of it, eyes shut; at peace.

"Give me a few more minutes, love." The younger guy answered and reached his hand out so he could feel the small rain drops touch his skin. It's cold, yet soothing. Its as if the ice-cold beads couldn't withstand the heat of his body that it just melts right away.

"Okay, I'll sleep. Don't stay there for so long, you'll get sick." Jimin stared at Jungkook's back for quite long before he dozed off.

Jimin knew how much Jungkook love the rain, but not the reason behind it.

They've been together for almost a year now. But Jungkook never opened up about it. Jimin respected his silence. He just waited.

But he was sure that Jungkook wasn't a simple pluviophile.

(pluviophile - (n) :  a lover of rain; someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days)

Loves the rain because it's calming?
That reason alone? No.
Definitely not.

"You know love, I haven't told you about this. I'm so sorry for keeping it from you." Jungkook started, looking for a chair and making it face the window.

He sat down, looked up the sky and gave his lover who was sleeping peacefully, a little glance before he diverted his attention back on the rain.

He smiled.
One fact he won't deny is, aside from the rain, Jimin is his comfort, his escape.

"I was..." Pausing midway, he heaved a deep sigh, held on to the armrest a little way tighter and closed his eyes.

A tear escaped, unexpectedly.
Probably a tear he concealed for so long.

"My parents aren't as close as they seem. They fight, argue and hurt each other every single day. But they smile towards me. They beam the moment they face the camera. Act sweet, and all. Why? Because they're both public figures everyone admire. My Moms an actress and my Dad is a singer. Everyone would and have always envied my family. When it fact, it was almost hell for me-- no, it really was hell." He stopped for a while to brush away his tears. Those crystals... won't stop from pouring.

"I was five... now 23, but nothing changed. That's still my life. A living hell. But fortunate enough, the heavens gave me an angel. And I promised myself that Id risk everything just so I could keep you."

Jungkook's eyes glittered.
It was smiling.

It reflects contentment, determination,
joy... love.

"The sounds of things breaking, screams and cries have always filled my ears. It was too much that it started getting through my heart 'til I can't bear it at all. I way dying... but it rained. It was heavier than what I was feeling. Everything melted into it; my anxious mind and even the noise from outside my room. I just sat on my bed, gazed outside, hugged my knees and prayed that the rain wouldn't stop forever. The rain saved me. I found home... in a catastrophe."

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