Secret (Part 2)

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< a year ago >

"Bye guys! Take care on your way home! Taehyung, don't stop over to the bar near your place! If you drink, I'll remove you from the team! Don't cause us trouble again!" Namjoon threatened, pointing directly at Taehyung who was scrolling through his phone.

Taehyung lifted his gaze to answer, "Don't worry, hyung! I won't. I'll do it after the match, you two will join me as well."

Jungkook broke his silence and immediately declined. "I'm not going, I don't drink."

"You can just order juice if you don't want alcohol or wine. Just come with us! I'll introduce you to someone. It's about time you find a girlfriend."

He looked at Taehyung, one brow raising. "Find yourself one, you're older than me. Don't make it sound like I'm the only single guy here and besides I'm not interested. I'm going home!"

"Are you hiding some girls in your house? You rarely go out. You're suspicious." Taehyung eyed him, staring intently as if figuring him out.

"That's right. What's in your house that you're always there these days? Did you get married without us knowing? And your son and wife always wants you to stay with them?" Namjoon unexpectedly hopped on to the topic and added fuel on Taehyung's suspicion.

"You sure have a very imaginative mind. Why not become an author, Namjoon hyung? I'll buy your books, if ever. Shift courses now so I won't have to see you everyday. You too, Taehyung. You both are annoying. Stop bothering me."

Quickly, Taehyung pulled him by the wrist to cease him. "Where are you going?"

"Bus stop."

"Ha? How about your car?"

Jungkook reached for Taehyung's hand and peeled it off his wrist. "I left it home. I planned to have it cleaned yesterday but I forgot. It's quite dirty, I didn't want to use it."

Rolling his eyes, Taehyung walked back beside Namjoon. "Neat freak. I was expecting I'd have a free ride today. How about you, Namjoon hyung? Did you bring your ca –”

"I did,” he said. Before Taehyung could jump around in triumph, Namjoon added, “Your house is in the opposite direction as mine. Are you gonna pay for my gas?"

Pouts. "I want free, why would I pay?"

As the two continued their argument, Jungkook walked out of their little bubble without telling the two. He turned away, walking fast so the two won't be able to catch up.

"Jungkook help me out – huh? Where had he gone to?" Taehyung asked, eyes wandering around.

But Jungkook was nowhere to be seen as if he vanished into thin air.

"Let the man be,” Namjoon said, pacing backwards. “But I do think he's acting weird these days.”

Taehyung was still looking at the way where Jungkook disappeared to as he answered, “Yeah. I agree –”

He stopped in mid sentence when he noticed Namjoon was acting sneaky, walking backwards as though waiting for the perfect timing to run off. But since he got found out, he hastily ran away.

“Take the bus too! I got no time and gas to spare! Bye!”

Taehyung immediately followed. “Hyung! I am not okay with this betrayal! Come back!”

Coincidentally, Jungkook saw this scene as the bus he took passed in front of their university. He chuckled, lightly shaking his head, finding the two silly. He then squeezed his eyes shut, resting his head on the back of his seat. He peacefully spent the duration of his travel home listening to the music through his ear pods mixed with the muffled noise from the other passengers of the bus.

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