Chapter 10

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[DAY 2, 9:32 am]
Third person's POV
[Location, Byun residence]

It's a nice morning and everyone in the Byun household is already awake. The three masters were inside the kitchen having fun baking and cooking.

Or when I say having fun that means chaos.

"Taehyung, don't spill the batter!! Hey Chanyeol!! You little thief stop eating the cookies!! Oh my god it's so messy!!" Baekhyun yelled, frustrated. The other two just laughed at him.

"You two are gonna clean the kitchen after this!!" Baekhyun hissed.

"I smell something burning." The blonde suddenly said. He was right. The three sniffed around until they remembered.

"HYUNG THE CAKE!!" The trio went crazy, trying to save the burning cake inside the oven.

"Waaahhh, it's a waste now. Look it's all black!!" Baekhyun whined as he looked at the burnt cake. It looks like chocolate cake but it was like ashes when he tasted it.

"Hey, don't worry. We have a lot of time." Chanyeol soothed his boyfriend by rubbing his back.

"I think, baking isn't really our thing." Taehyung laughed at his comment, trying to lighten the mood.

"How about we make snacks instead?? I want to have fries and pizza. We can watch movies after that." Baekhyun said and the other two nodded. Now that's a great idea.

"I want to have pizza with overloading cheese and ham and pepperoni." Taehyung said.

"Okay, let's make exactly that!" Chanyeol said and after that, they prepared the ingredients.


"Already done! Let's watch now!!" After making a pizza with overflowing cheese, ham, and pepperoni and fries with a cheese dip they made their way to the living room. That with the help of their maid since the three knew they just suck at baking.

That's their decision to eat fatty foods with deadly amount of cheese. (That's my guilty pleasure😭)

They played movies after movies until their eyes hurt.

[Location, Jeon's base]

Same day

"Yoongi, have you been keeping an eye to the Byuns??" Jeon coldly asked. They were all in the meeting room with the complete family.

The underboss and consigliere were sitting on each side of him with the rest of the crew. What he said sparked his caporegime's interest.

"You're watching the Byun's??" Jimin curiously asked and Jeongguk glared at him, not hearing what he wanted to hear.

"I didn't ask you." Jeongguk snarled and Jimin quickly shut his mouth not wanting to anger their leader.

"Yes boss. They haven't made any rush moves or made plans to escape." Yoongi informed which made Jimin even more curious.

What happened? Why is he watching the Byun?? Did he get into fight with the ceo? Jimin thought in curiousity. He wanted to know why Jeongguk was stalking his friends family.

Don't get him wrong. He was not the slightest worried about their boss, he can handle himself. What he's worried about was his friend's safety.

He doesn't want Taehyung involved in this or any dirty business of the mafia. He doesn't want to ruin the boy's innocence.

"That's good." Jeongguk hummed, satisfied. His angel kept his promise.

"What's happening?? Can someone tell me??" Jimin asked again and looked at his leader. Jeongguk seems to be in a good mood.

"You're too busy with your own personal life that's why you're uninformed. The Byuns didn't kept their promise to Jeongguk in exchange for the merging, but luckily, some member of the Byun family has some brain and talked to Jeongguk about what he wants just to save the company and his family since our boss practically threatened Byun Baekhyun about his family's lives." Hoseok explained to the ever so confused Jimin.

"Why would you do that!?" Jimin asked, he doesn not want to hear what the boss will said next. His heart was beating so fast and he doesn't want what he thinks to be right.

"Byun's younger brother came to talk to Jeongguk and they fixed the matter." Namjoon said, completely changing the subject. He knew the boss doesn't like it when someone questions him.

"Jeongguk what were you planning!?" Jimin stood up and slammed his hand on the table which made the others flinch. They rarely see Jimin mad. And it's scary.

"It's not your bussiness Park." He said coldly. After saying that, he stood up and left.

"I've been telling him not to continue what he was planning. That boy was innocent and I don't know what will happen to him here." Jin stated with a disapponted sigh.

"What do you mean hyung??" Jimin asked. He was nervous to hear what his hyung will say next.

"He's planning to claim the kid as his." What Jin said made the caporegime pale. What?? No!! I can't let that happen!! Jimin thought furiously.

"No!! That kid is my friend and I won't let him be with us!! He will be in danger!!" Jimin exclaimed.

"We know you care for that kid but you don't have the power to stop Jeon. All you can do if he's already here is to protect him." Jimin thought about what Hoseok said.

But, he's supposed to be mine. Jimin thought selfishly.

[Location, Byun residence]

Taehyung looked at the two sleeping figure beside him. Moana was still playing on the screen with leftover foods on the table.

He kissed his hyungs forheads and stood up to turn the tv off. He left his the two on the couch since they were already cuddling comfortably. He chuckled at the two's cuteness before leaving to go to his room.

He went to his room and sat on the bed. He looked at the luggage just beside his closet. He's really leaving his hyungs in only 5 days.

He only have five days to spend with his favorite hyungs. This should be worth it.

He will give the happiest week to his hyungs.

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