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Everyone including Miss Bustier and Mr. Damocles were in the library watching Max and Adrien play Ultimate Mecha Strike III and Alya was recording them.

"Come on, Max" Kim uttered.

"Yeah! Go Adrien!" Kalianna exclaimed, boosting Adrien's confidence. 

Just the Marinette enters the library and sees Alya filming. "What's going on Alya?"

The reddish-brown haired girl just shushed her and continued recording.

"Try-outs for the Paris Ultimate Mecha Strike III Tournament! This school sends the two students with the highest scores!" Rose explained to the bluenette.

"Actually, the tryouts offer a partner to team up with Max in the Tournament" Kim chimed in. 

"Why Max?" Marinette questioned.

"Cause he's unbeatable! He's a total rocksord! He's got the highest APM over anyone!" Kim replied.


"Actions per minute? This tournament is his whole life! He's been grinding all year to level up"

Adrien's robot, NAD03, uses his special attack on Max's robot, MX-01. MX-01 is crushed and NAD03 wins.

"Adrien is now in the lead" Miss Bustier said while everyone cheered except for Max.

"Great job!" Kali chirped as she hugged Adrien from behind.

"Heh, thanks" The green eyed boy spoke with a blush.

"What happened, Max?" Kim said.

"Hmm. Awesome job. We're gonna make a killer combo" Max said to Adrien as he hi-fived him, making everyone cheer for the both of them.

"So let me get this straight. If someone manages to beat Max's score, they'll team up with Adrien at the tournament?" Marinette queried.

"No one can beat Max. Or rather Max and Adrien. It's a slam dunk. They're our school's dream team!" Kim exclaimed. 

Alya takes Marinette by her hand and drags her to a bookshelf. "I see where your going with this little lady"

"Just imagine, teaming with Adrien!"

"Are you out of your mind, girl? This is about stepping up and representing! Not snuggling up and snogging! This is serious business!"

"Seriously Alya, you think I'd actually go through with that?"

"Well, I think we have our two champions lined up for the Paris tournament" Mr. Domocles declared. 

Before Marinette could speak, Kalianna already beat her to it.

"Wait! Can I try the game? Just for fun. I've never played it before" The noirette admitted, playing with her fingers.

"Well, the library is closing up in five minutes, can play" Mr. Damocles said.

Kalianna nodded and sat on a chair, Adrien hands her his joypad. 

"Seriously?! She's got Adrien's joypad?! This is terrible! If she wins she'll be Adrien's partner!" Marinette exclaimed.

"Relax girl, Kali's just doing this for fun" Alya said.

"The rules are elementary, You battle each other's robots with your own and-" Max was cut off when Kalianna scoffed.

"Please, every time you win, you loot its items and gain XP, which upgrades your mech"

Max's eyes widened. "I...thought you said you didn't know how to play this game"

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