Our Childhood

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It's been two days since Victoria, Darius, and Gabriel have found out that their children have been dating.

Adrien and Kalianna were at Place des Vosges, the two were on a date and they were on a bench eating ice cream. Adrien had vanilla, and Kalianna had chocolate.

"You know what your ice cream represents?" Adrien asked.

"What?" Kalianna asked, licking her ice cream.

"It means your really sweet, your absolutely beautiful, you have impeccable taste which also means have a great fashion sense, and your a very friendly and likable person" Adrien said sincerely as he tried to hide his pink cheeks by licking his ice cream.

"Awww. Adrien, thank you! Those words just made my day" Kalianna said, putting her hand on her heart.

Meanwhile, Marinette and Alya were secretly watching them from afar. The bluenette was freaking out.

"I can't believe this! They're in the park! Together! Eating ice cream!!!" Marinette shouted, lightly gripping her hair. "Are-are they on a date? Are...are they gonna kiss?! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!"

Alya covered Marinette's mouth and dragged her behind a tree just as Adrien and Kalianna looked in their direction. Luckily, the park was empty.

"Marinette! Calm down girl, I'm sure they're just hanging out together, that's what best friends do" Alya said.

"Your..your right, I'm overreacting. It's not like their gonna get married and travel all over the world...right? But if they do, Adrien's gonna completely forget about me! And then I'll never get a chance with him" Marinette said sadly, looking at Kalianna and Adrien, who were flirting with each other and eating their ice cream.

"Mari, their just friends, calm down! Kali and Adrien would've told us they were dating, we're their friends" Alya said.

"I know, I know. It's just not fair, why does Kalianna get to have Adrien's full attention? He's been spending so much time with her lately. Remember when we asked him to hang out last week but he said he had plans with Kalianna?" Marinette asked.

"Oh definitely" Alya said.


Marinette was in her room with Alya playing truth or dare, the bluenette's face was a little red because Alya was asking questions about Adrien.

"Okay Marinette, truth or dare?"

"Truth, because I know your gonna give me a crazy dare"

"When are you gonna confess to Adrien?"

"Alya! You know I'm never gonna be ready to do that! I can't even talk to him without stuttering and mixing up my sentences!" Marinette replied, hiding her face in her hands.

"Mari, sooner or later, a girl is gonna swoop in and steal his heart" Alya said.

"Um...truth or dare Alya?"

"Do NOT change the subject. And you know what I'm calling Adrien" Alya said as she picked up her phone and dialed the boy's number.

"No Alya, don't-"

"Too late! The phone's already ringing" Alya said, putting her phone on speaker.

Just then, Adrien's voice came through the phone. "Hey Alya! What's up?"

"Hey Adrien, Marinette and I-" Alya was cut off when the bluebell eyed girl lunged for her phone, but she jumped away from her and continued her sentence. "Marinette and I were just wondering if you wanted to hang out with us"

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