The Evillustrator

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(A/N: Okay, let's get one thing straight. In Miss Bustier's class, Kalianna sits next to Nathaniel. In Ms. Mendeleiv's class, she sits between Adrien and Nino. Why? Because she's 🌈special!🌈)

At Collège Françoise Dupont, it was currently nighttime. And Kalianna was being chased by Stormy Weather.

"Heeelp!" The flawless skinned girl cried as she ran away from Stormy Weather.

Lady Wifi appears and pauses the girl with a pink pause icon while Stormy Weather freezes her. The two villains clasp hands, pleased with their success.

Just then Super Nathan arrives, he uses his tablet to erase Stormy Weather's parasol. Lady Wifi moves to pause him, but the hero traps her and Stormy in a box.

He frees Kalianna by erasing the ice and the pause button.

The noirette runs up to the boy and embraces him. "Oh, Super Nathan, you're my hero!"

"It was nothing"

"I love you!"

"I love you too, Kalianna"

"Nathaniel! What are you drawing?" Ms. Mendeleiv asked in a demanding tone.

The red-orange haired boy looked up, snapping out of his imagination. "Wha, wha-"

"And these artistic endeavors are clearly why you are failing science" Ms. Mendeleiv said, disgusted.

"I'm sorry..."

"You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch! Then you'll be really sorry!"

Nathaniel gets up and starts to walk but he trips over Mylène's bag and drops his sketchbook. Chloé picks it up.

"Ooh! Look, Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look he's saving! It's Kalianna!"

The silky black haired girl gasped in shock and Adrien felt a pang of jealousy rise in his chest.

"He's so totally crushing on you, Kalianna!" Chloé said.

"Gimme that!" Nathaniel exclaimed, grabbing the sketchbook from the blonde brat. But what he didn't know was that she ripped out the last page.

"Enough! Nathaniel, go!" Ms. Mendeleiv demanded.

The boy didn't need to be told twice and he ran out of the classroom.


"The next particle physics presentation group is Kalianna, Adrien and Nino!" Ms. Mendeleiv announced.

"So lucky!" Marinette exclaimed.

"And then, Sabrina, Chloe and Marinette"

The bluenette gasped and lightly dropped her head on the desk.

"So unlucky" Alya said, patting her best friend's back.

"Uh, Miss, can't you add her to another group? Sabrina and I work much better on our own" Chloé said.

"The is a group presentation, not pairs! Deal with it" The dark-purple haired woman snapped.

"I hate dealing with it!" Chloé hissed under her breath as the school bell rang.

The students started gathering their things.

Kalianna was about to go through the door with Nino and Adrien but Marinette stopped her.

"Uh, hey. You wouldn't be willing to trade groups, would ya?"

"Sorry Marinette, but the answer's no. As much as I like insulting Chloé, I don't really feel like putting up with her laziness and attitude today. Good luck" Kalianna said before she went out the door with Adrien, who was waiting for her.

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