Be careful of what you wish for

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I waited for my father to fall asleep.

Once he fell a sleep, I quickly got out of my bed. I quietly took out some clothes, my glasses and a sliver flats. I walk out of my room as I put my hair up into a bun. I touch on the tile that doesn't make a noise so I wouldn't wake up my parents.

I took my keys and phone. I need this. I need to taste freedom. I open the door and slowly close it. I look around the hallways then I ran to the ladder. I place my phone into my pocket and climb up. I push the heavy piece of wood and pull myself up.

I quickly put it back then look at the sky. It is so dark. No starlight. I sigh then I heard laughter. I saw the people from the next apartment. I look and noticed everyone is there, partying like no tomorrow. I wish my family was like this.

My family are always focus on themselves. If they do focus on me, well it is mostly to comment on my looks and how useless I am. I don't mind at all since it just words. They are not real but some what my mind accept their words.

It allow me to become insecure bout myself and fall into depression. No matter what I tell them, they think it a joke. What ever. At least it made me grow stronger emotionally. I watch them party then a music started to play.

Everyone cheer as I nod to the beat. I stood up then shook my hips. I laugh as I started to dance freely. I twirl around then I leap into the air like a ballerina. I landed but then trip. I yelp then I groan. I should have practice.

I got up then look back at the party. Everyone seen to enjoy themselves. I wish I could like them. I wish I could live in a world with super power or have some animal feature. Just like My Hero Academia and Beastars. Just imagine all the things I could be or have.

I could be a wolf or a fox and if I have power, it would be having nature power or electricity like Denki. It be fun, tricking people. Some would might like instead of who I am now but that never going to happen.

No matter what. I look up and sat down on the edge. Something shine and I hum. Is that? It is! A star! I am going to wish it. Just for the fun of it. "This is it, Alison. Wish for something before your freedom is taken away"I whisper. I look at it then chuckle. 

"Knowing myself, I would wish to become an actress but maybe I should wish for something"I said. I close my eyes and thought really hard. "I wish to find real happiness"I whisper. I open my eyes then sigh.

"That never going to happen. Magic and wishes aren't real"I said then a breeze went through me. I gasp as the light from the party fade away. "Is that what you wish for?"said a voice then smoke appear above me.

What the? A lady appear in a form of smoke. "Who are you?"I said. "Your wish will come true"she said. What? She spread her hand out and smoke went toward me. "Whoa! What are you doing?!"I yelled. I scream as it cover me then I could feel myself changing.

I knew I shouldn't have escape. "What are you doing to me? What is going on here?!"I said. "By daylight you become a another creature but by night time, you become human again. Enjoy your time in your new world"She said then I scream. 

I fell down and I look around. She took me to a park? Geez, give me a little warning. I stood up and touch my forehead. "What the heck happen?"I said then look at my hand. Why are they black? Did I burn myself? I touch it and gasp. This is real. 

I touch the top of head and felt ears?! Animals ear?! By how long it is, I am gonna guess I am a fox. I ran toward a pond and look. I am a red fox. I had red fur, brown long hair with a red streak, golden eyes, a red tail with a white tip, a snort I think it call? 

I touch myself then look around. A few animal people look at me and I ran off. This can't be happening! This must be a dream! I can't be in a world of Beastar! I stop then look down. I was wearing a white tank-top, a black leather jacket, small short and some sliver flats. 

This is crazy! There is no way I turn into a fox and live in the Beastar! "Mom? Dad? Little brother?!"I yelled but no one answer me. I went on my knee and started to cried. Why did this happen to me? I saw the sun go down and a bright light surrounded me. 

I close my eyes then open them. I am back? The smoke lady. She said by daylight you become a another creature but by night time, you become human again? Geez, now I have to find shelter. I look up then saw a cave. How lucky am I? 

I went there and look inside. It is so dark. Maybe I should make some fire? I look at some rocks then shrug. They all the same to me. I smack them together and made a small fire. I made a torch and look inside the cave. 

I think I could get used to this
I couldn't help myself to wirte this. I adore Beastars since it brought the adorable but handsome Legoshi. I am writing another story but that might be on my birthday. I bet you are thinking Hey Flutterknight, I thought you were busy that you couldn't finish the other story. Yes that true but urge of writing this won and I wrote it. I am busy since college and all but soon I be free and I will try to upload all of the stories that I haven't finish writing. So I hope you guys are okay and enjoying life even though we all are stuck home because of this villain name COVID-19. Be safe and remember that we all in this together.

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