Oh, so that's who 'B' was.

"Are you kidding me?" I wince when my head starts to throb. Probably from the lack of nutrients. I take a sip of my orange juice.

"I wish. I tried to tell him no so many times but that man doesn't listen." She rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. "I was about to whoop his a-butt." She glances over to my daughter, catching her language just in time.

"At least you tried. Thank you." I tell her honestly, and she nods.

A knock at the open bedroom door brought my attention there, and sure enough, he was here. And as angry as I was about him not listening to Kimmy, I was simply too sad and depressed to give a shit.

"Sleep well?" Brennan asks, clearly concerned. I just roll my eyes and shrug. I slept alright. It wasn't the best sleep I had ever gotten though.

Zoe jumps off the bed and runs over to Brennan, and he quickly picks her up. That action between the two is one of the things I don't mind. If Zoe wanted to be picked up by him then she could.

"I made some food. Probably not as good as Nelson's cooking since he seems to be a chef, but it's edible." Kimmy looks back over to me after glaring at Brennan, and I give a soft chuckle.

"Edible? You actually made something edible?" I tease, and she smacks me across the head, making me laugh harder.

"Don't tease me you whore."

"Watch your language in front of Zoe, you hoe." Kimmy smiles and I push the bed sheets off of me, stepping out of my bed.

I caught a glance of myself in a mirror, and needless to say, I looked horrible.

I know I haven't been sleeping well ever since Nelson told me the news of him leaving, but I didn't even think of the effect it would have on my body. My ashy hair was messy, dark bags under my swollen eyes, and oversized clothing. In fact I was wearing his shirt that he'd left behind just for me to have.

I wish I could actually care about my appearance though.

I walk out of my bedroom with Kimmy, Brennan already gone and in some other room with Zoe.

I walk to the kitchen, and Kimmy put together ramen.

I smile, and take a bowl. On a normal day I would not let her live this down, but I just simply wanted to eat and take my mind off today's events, even if that meant eating Kimmys barely edible ramen.

"Hey, I know what you're thinking. It's 'ugh I gotta eat this bitches inedible ramen for the thousandth time. Why thank you Kimmy, I appreciate your effort.'" Kimmy gives me an over dramatic bow, and I roll my eyes.

"Sure. We can have it your way." I tell her, grabbing both of us a fork.

She gratefully takes it and sits down on a stool. I stand on the other end of the counter, digging into the ramen.

"So, Brennan just basically followed you here?" I ask quietly, making sure no one in any other room would be able to hear. And by no one, I mean Brennan.

She nods, her eyes narrowing. "I almost yelled at him for looking at my phone in the first place. Like, a little privacy please?" She scoffs, taking another bite of her ramen.

I purse my lips, sighing, then I shook my head. "I'm going to let him know he can't do that again. Technically it's on the list. Rule number seven, no showing up to my place unannounced."

"He already violated a rule?" She makes an uneasy face.

"I guess. I'm not surprised though. Maybe I should lay down my foot harder."

"Ya think?" She shakes her head.

"You made ramen?" I look over to Brennan as he enters the room, Zoe holding his hand.

I nod and carefully watch them, noticing how Zoe is quickly getting more and more comfortable around him. It made me uncomfortable yet relieved at the same time.

I walk to a cupboard and open it, grabbing one of Zoe's small bowls. I hand it to Brennan, and he gratefully takes it from me.

I ignore the tips of our fingers touching. He puts a little ramen into her bowl and I show him where the utensils are. He takes a little fork and leads her over to the table, and begins talking to her while she's eating. Zoe becomes totally engrossed into her toddler conversation with him, and I don't interfere.

I look to Kimmy, and she's narrowing her eyes at me, watching me carefully.

"What?" I whisper to her as I begin eating at my spot on the counter once again.

She takes a bite of her ramen. "Nothing."


(You know that feeling you get when you're such in the mood to write, but then you can't because you've been stuck in a horrible writers block? Yeah lol that's been me)

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