Chapter 11

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Before I left work, I texted Nelson to meet me and Kimmy at my place in a few minutes. I'm sure he responded while I was driving, but I didn't check.

I got home and Zoe instantly ran to me and hugged my legs. I picked her up and held her close, because who knows how much longer this will last.

I sent Gina, my babysitter, home after I venmoed her the money for watching after Zoe.

I set Zoe down on a chair that rests at the table, and I pour a glass of orange juice for me, and a cup for her. As I set down the cup in front of her, I hear the front door open and I recognize the familiar footsteps of Kimmy.

"Alright, what happened?" She sets down her purse and crosses her arms.

I place my hands over Zoe's ears. "I'll explain when Nelson gets here, and not in front of Zoe."

Kimmy nods and goes to raid my fridge, taking out a can of soda instead of some juice like Zoe and I. Kimmy was the only person who I allowed to treat my home and things like her home. She could come in whenever she wanted and take whatever she liked. Me and Zoe did the same with her place.

"I'm going to take Zoe to her room. If Nelson shows up while I'm doing that, just let him in." I pick up my two year old, and she latches onto me.

"Will do." She takes a sip of her drink and I force a smile before I leave the kitchen.

"Zoe Bear, can you do me a favor and stay in your room until I say you can come out? It won't be long, and you're not in trouble." I look at my daughter, and I can tell she's confused because she doesn't really understand. But she nods nonetheless.

Thank god for her not being in a feisty mood today.

I set her down among her toys, and make sure she's fine and set before I leave her room and shut her door.

I walk back out to the kitchen, and sure enough Nelson is here.

"What's going on? Are you alright?" He comes towards me and pulls me into a hug. I melt into him and shake my head.

Kimmy watches carefully, and that's when I begin.

"Brennan knows. He knows about Zoe, and who he is to her." Nelson pulls away, but still keeps his hands comfortingly on my arms.

"Wait, what?" Kimmy says, looking at me confused.

"He saw her when we were at the library. Remember I told you guys about that?" I look between them, and they both nod, waiting for me to continue. "He came into the office early today for an appointment, and he figured it out on his own as he looked at a photo of her. He wants to meet her."

Kimmy blinks in shock, and sits down on the couch. I pull away from Nelson and begin to anxiously pace around the room.

"What did you say?" Nelson crosses his arms.

"I told him it's up to Zoe."

"Up to Zoe? She's two, Milo. You know she's going to agree whether she understands or not." Kimmy leans forward, and I run my hands through my hair.

"I know. But it's his relationship with her, not me. It's up to Zoe and I wish it could be different." I blink back a few tears I didn't know were threatening to spill over.

"But you're Zoe's mom, Milo. You do have a say. You raised her for her entire life so far." Kimmy begins to argue, and I shake my head.

"I know that. But Brennan already missed that because of me."

"No, this isn't because of you. He left, he chose to be rude to you. That's on him." Nelson sits down on a chair next to him.

"But it is on me. I didn't tell him. I didn't even make an effort to find out how to contact him about her. He wasn't there and that's on me." I take a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions from bursting out.

Kimmy and Nelson are silent, knowing I'm right.

"Mommy? You ok?" I look over to Zoe when I hear her voice, and she's hiding partially behind the hallway wall.

I crouch down and hold my arms out, which she comes running into. I don't give her an answer on whether I'm okay or not, because I have no idea.

"Zoe, I want to ask you something very important. And I need you to be sure of the your answer." I whisper in her ear, and I feel her nod.

"Your dad wants to meet you. Do you want to meet him?" I pull her away enough so I'm looking into her green eyes that she shares with Brennan.

Zoe just looks at me, confused.

"You don't need to give me an answer right away. You need to think about it in that smart little head of yours," I tap her forehead and she giggles. "But you need to be sure."

She looks at me, and shyly glances to Nelson and Kimmy, who both give her reassuring smiles.

"It's okay Zoe. If you don't want to meet him that's okay." Kimmy reassures her, and Zoe just looks back at me.

She gives me a tiny nod.

I close my eyes, trying not to show my frustration. Kimmy and Nelson were right about her saying yes, and deep down I knew I was right about her answer as well.

"Okay. We can go meet him soon." I tell her with a smile, and opening my eyes.

Zoe just nods, and Nelson chimes in. "Do you want something to eat Zoe?"

I look over to my boyfriend and give him a soft smile, thanking him for taking her mind off this.

Zoe runs to Nelson and he quickly picks her up. She chats away about something that I can't make out, and soon enough she's in the kitchen while Nelson fixes up some small snack for her.

I stand up, and Kimmy looks at me, clearly worried. "There's no going back from this Milo."

I nod. "I know."

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