Through Highs & lows: chapter 14

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"Yeah." He takes out a pen and just tosses it on my desk as if he's mad or something. "Seriously." I say looking at him. "Yeah. Are you gonna use it or not." He says avoiding eye contact. "Okay this attitude has to go. I haven't even done anything. So whatever it is you better drop it. We may have all our classes together, but I won't hesitate to ignore you the rest of the day. I can also take an Uber home and take myself to school in the mornings." I say before signing my papers. "Here. Thank you." I say, holding out the pen to Colby. "I'm sorry. I don't know what it is lately. It's just... Never mind." He sighs, grabbing the pen. "It's okay. I get it." I smile, trying to lighten the mood. The bell rings. I put all my papers in my backpack before looking at Dylan. "I look forward to seeing you around and or tomorrow." I smile. "Me too." He says before walking around his desk and pulling me into a hug. It honestly caught me off guard, but of course I hugged him back. "Okay. I guess I'll see you around." I say pulling away. "Yeah. Of course." He smiles, before walking away. I turn to Colby, who's just waiting on me. "Five years later." He jokes. "Shut up." I laugh playfully pushing him. "Whatever let's go." He laughs before we walk to our next class. The rest of the day flew by. After school I went to Colby's house, he kept his promise and let me draw him. Although he ended up complaining the whole time that he was bored or hungry and I complained, because he wouldn't stay still. I eventually gave up and took a picture of him then drew it off of that, but if a detail was unclear I would make him look at me until I drew it correctly. After that we kind of spent the whole day together just laughing and hanging out, until around ten when he took me home. *time skip to the morning of the back to school dance.* I wake up to my obnoxiously loud alarm once again and get ready for the day. I'm actually kind of sad, Dylan never came to me after school or anything. We would just talk in class like he never even mentioned it. Meanwhile Colby and Ariana started gradually hanging out more, my heart broke each time I even saw them together, but I just looked away. I got dressed in some joggers and a yellow shirt with a little rose on the corner of it. I figure it'll be easier to change and get ready once I get home. I may not stay long at the dance though I know if I stay with Sam and Kat I'll feel bad, but it'll suck being alone. Never the less I paid for the ticket, so I'll just go for a while before leaving early. I brush my teeth and do the essentials before saying good bye to my parents and leaving. I walk out to my car and drive to school. I usually don't eat any breakfast on school days, but for some reason I was hungry today, but it wasn't too bad. There is a gas station by our school, so I stoped there and just got a bottle of vitamin water. Then I went to the student parking lot, parked my car then went to class. The bell rang right before I got to the door, but I basically got there on time. Mr. Adam's usually talks to students or teachers in the hallway before the bell rings and gives us a minute or two to settle down and prepare, before he starts class anyways. I walk to my desk and set my stuff down, including my vitamin water on my desk. "Hey." I say to both Colby and Dylan. "Hey." Dylan smiles. "What's up." Colby says right behind him, before taking my drink and gulping half of it down. "Damn bitch. I payed for that shit." I laugh. "I'll buy you a new one." He laughs. "You better." I smile. "Hey Caroline? Can I ask you something?" Dylan says. "Yeah of course." I smile. Then I think about when Colby asked me that. How happy I was, for such a let down. My heart almost sinks thinking about it happening again, but with Dylan. It wouldn't hurt as much though. "I was wondering if you'd want to go to the dance today. I know it's today. I'm sorry it took me so long to ask. I just didn't know when to ask or how." He says. "Of course I will." I smile and slightly laugh. I've never seen him, like this. He's always been so confident toward me.

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