Through Highs & lows: chapter 16

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"Thank you. You look just as good if not better." I say pulling away. "Impossible." He smiles. "Come on." I laugh. We walk inside with Sam, Colby and Kat. "So you came here with all of them?" Dylan asks. "Yeah. Why? Is something wrong?" I ask. "No of course not, where's Colby's date?" Dylan asks. "Uh? I don't know?" I say before going to Colby and asking him. "Hey Colby, where's Ariana?" I ask. "Oh she texted me that she'll be here in like five minutes, but that was like two minutes ago." He says. "Oh okay well do you want to stay with Dylan and I for now?" I offer. "You, sure. Dylan, hell no." He laughs. "Whatever I don't get why you hate him so much." I laugh before walking back to Dylan. "She'll be here any minute." I say returning to my place in his arms. "Oh okay." He says. "Why were you asking?" I ask curiously. "Just wondering that's all. Do you want to dance?" Dylan asks. "It's kind of early, but sure why not." I smile. As we walk over to the dance floor I look back at Colby to make sure he's doing okay by himself. When I look over I see Ariana approaching him, and his eyes light up. That one really hurts. I even felt a tear start to form in my eye, from how he looked at her, then he caught my eye. I quickly looked away and sucked it up. Dylan and I made our way to the middle area of the dance floor and started dancing. Then a slow song eventually came on. Dylan and I just held on to one another, swaying. It was actually really nice, but then I glanced over to see Colby and Ariana doing the same and the feeling was back. Fuck, why do I care so much? I'm not even here with him, yet it's the only thing on my mind. I can't help, but to look every once and a while, but everytime I looked, my heart broke more and more. A few times we even made straight eye contact, but of course I'd just look away like it never happened. Some how Colby and Ariana end up getting closer to Dylan and I, to the point where they're now only a few feet away. I sigh and rest my head on Dylan's shoulder. "You okay?" Dylan asked pulling away. "Yeah of course, I'm with you." I smile, through the lie. "Good." He whispers before leaning in and kissing me. I kiss him back, his lips are sweet and soft. Something any girl would crave to have. So why does Colby keep popping up in my head. I pull away, feeling bad. "Do you want to sit down?" I softly smile, feeling guilty. "Um. I'm gonna grab a drink and catch up with my friend Carlos. You go I'll be there in a bit." He smiles. His smile had changed. I don't know in what way, but I could tell and it gave me a weird feeling. Maybe it was just me perceiving it based off the guilt I feel though. "Okay." I nod my head before walking back to the table. As I walk to the table I pass Sam and Kat walking to the dance floor. "Hey, where's Dylan?" Kat asks, grabbing my arm, to stop me. "Oh he's getting a drink and talking to Carlos." I say. "Oh do you want us to stay for a bit." Sam says. "Of course not. Go have fun. He'll be back soon." I smile. "Are you sure?" Kat asks. "Yeah why wouldn't I be. I need to sit down anyways. I hate heels. My feet hurt like a bitch." I laugh. "Okay." She smiles. They walk off and I go sit down at the table thinking. I feel bad about pulling away from Dylan. I just don't know why I can't get over Colby. It's not like he likes me back. I look up and see Colby. He catches my eye and it looks almost as if he's sad. 'What if he does like you?' Something tells me from the back of my mind. I get up and by the time I look up again to see Colby, he's basically making out with Ariana. I feel my heart break, as I quickly look away. I need to find Dylan. I walk to the table that they are serving food and drinks at and see Dylan flirting with some random girl. You're joking right. I feel the pit in my stomach grow deeper then he looks up and notices me, but I turn around and walk away. As I get outside I feel him stop me. "What do you want?" I say in a cold tone, turning toward him.

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