Through Highs & lows: Chapter 17

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"Well what did you expect from me?" He says defensively. "What did I expect. You just kissed me, then went off to go flirt with some girl, not even five minutes later. I expected you to be a half decent person at the least." I say angered. "Oh like you can talk. Every five minutes while we were dancing you were looking over at Colby. Did you think that I didn't notice. I bet when you pulled away, it was because you were thinking of him. I even watched you look at him when you sat down Caroline. I bet you love him so much, well news flash he doesn't love you back. Your not the only one who saw him kissing that girl." He responds back. My heart breaks in chest as tears start streaming down my face. It's not even what he said, it's the fact that it's true. "Your a dick." I say in full tears as I walk off. When I get to the parking lot I realize I came with the group, so I have no way of getting home. I hate taking Ubers at night, especially if I'm an emotional wreck, but I don't want to ruin everyone elses night, so I go with the Uber. I try to calm down before the Uber arrives. By the time it arrives there are still a few stray tears falling from my eyes, but not nearly as bad as before, though my heart still feels just as broken. I tried to keep from crying during the ride home, because the music was low and the ride was awkwardly quiet. Finally the women dropped me off at my house. I thanked her, before getting out of the car and walking up to my door. I just knock, because I know my mom is home and my mind is too busy to think about looking for my keys. My mom opens the door and she looks at me concerned as I step inside. "What's wrong?" She asks, pulling me into a hug. "I fucked up. I don't know what to do mom. I don't know how to feel about Colby." I say crying in her arms. "Well you love him, don't you?" She asks. "Yeah. But he doesn't love me like that." I sniff out. "Did you ask?" She says rubbing my back. "Well no, but there's no point anymore." I say. "Of course there is." She says pulling away and smiling at me. "But not this time mom." I say looking down. "Hey tha..." She gets cut off by her phone ringing. "Hold on." She says pulling me into a hug and answering it. "Hello? Yes this is her." She says before going silent for a moment. "What? I'll be there soon." She says in a broken voice, before hanging up and dropping the phone. I quickly pull away. "Mom. What is it? What's wrong?" She just moves in her hand to her mouth and a sob comes out. "Come on we need to go to Saint Rose hospital right now. I'll explain on the way." She says as tears fall down her face. I grab my grab my keys from my bag as I exit my house and go to my car, my mom right behind me. I get in the car and start it as my mom buckles in. My mom explains that my dad had a heart attack at the airport. The man on the phone said the heart attack didn't do much damage, but when he fell back he hit his head. He is currently in a coma, but right now he is stable. Tears fall with every word my mom explains. I have to constantly wipe my eyes, to keep my vision from getting blurry. Finally we safely make it to the hospital and I put my car in park before we hop out of the car and I lock the doors. We speed into the hospital and go to the front desk. We explain to the lady who we are and she gives us some paper work. We rush through feeling it out then give it back to her. She tells us the room he is in and we rush to it. Before going in we see the doctor. He further explains the situation, and warns us to prepare ourselves before walking in. That just makes me more anxious and worried. Tears are streaming down my face when he opens the door, but when we walk in and I see my dad sobs come out. "You guys can stay here for the night, but starting tomorrow you can only visit from two to four in the afternoon." The doctor says. I just nod my head, and my mom stands there silently crying.

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