Through Highs & lows: chapter 39

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"Oh it's not so funny anymore hm?" He smirks. "Nope it still is." I laugh. "You know what else is funny?" He says leaning over me. "What?" I ask. "The fact th..." Colby is cut off by the sound of his phone ringing. He gets up and answers his phone. "What?" He asks kind of irritated. He waits for a while, listening to the other person. "No I'm with Caroline we're going to watch Netflix. Maybe we'll talk later. Leave me alone. Bye." He says, before hanging up. "Who was that?" I ask. "Just my brother Gage again." He says. "For what?" I laugh. "Just didn't know I was spending the night so he called to ask me something, but I told him I wouldn't be home." He says. "Oh well. You sounded kind of irritated." I say. "Yeah cause he's annoying." Colby says. "Oh okay. Well tell him I say hi next time." I say. "Okay." He says laying down next to me. "Colby are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah of course. Why?" He says turning and facing me. "Just asking I guess." I say facing him. "Don't worry. Everything's fine. I promise." He says kissing me. "Okay. I love you." I say, once we pull away. "I love you too." He smiles. I get up off the bed and walk to the side of it. "What are you doing?" Colby asks. "Picking up the snacks you knocked over." I laugh. "Oh right." He laughs. I pick them all up and place them on the bed. "Okay start the show, or movie, or whatever you want to play. I'm going to go change into something a bit more comfortable." I say grabbing some sweats from my drawer. "Okay." He smiles. I walk out to the bathroom to change. It only takes about twenty seconds since I'm only changing my pants. I walk back out to see Colby had fallen asleep. I just laugh and close the door. I grab a light blanket from my closet and lay it over him, before getting under it and laying next to him. He automatically wraps his arm around me. I snuggle into him feeling comfort. Before I can fall asleep I get a text message. I decide to check it, thinking it may be my mom. The message is from Gage. 'Hey sorry this is Gage. Colby wasn't answering his phone and I was wondering if he is with you.' Then it's followed up by a new one. 'Sorry nevermind, my mom just told me he was spending the night at your house.' He says. Waite what? Colby supposedly told him he was staying here like half an hour ago. I double check when the message was sent and realize that it was only a minute ago. I feel a sharp pain in my heart. 'Maybe it just didn't send earlier and it's just getting through now.' I tell myself. 'yeah he's asleep. I'll let him know.' I text back. I unintentionally let out a sob. Colby must of heard me, because he woke up. "What's wrong?" He asks, worried. "Would you ever cheat on me?" I ask right away in tears. "What? No, of course not." He says pulling me into a tight hug. I lightly push away and sit up. "But you would lie to me?" I say looking at him. "What?" He says sitting up too. "Who we're you talking to?" I ask him, afraid to hear the answer. "Oh that's what your so worried about. Baby I'm sorry don't worry." He says hugging me. "Colby who was it?" I ask again, not hugging him back. "It was Ariana." He says. "What?" I say pulling away and falling off the bed. "No I was telling her to leave me alone. I told her I was with you." He explains kneeling down next to me. "You told her you might call her later." I say backing away. "Yeah, because she wanted to talk about it. She wouldn't get the hint. I think I just have to explain it to her." He begs. "In your room. Who were you talking to?" I ask in tears. "Ariana." He admits. "But I swear that's when I told her about you. I was explaining to her that I love you. That I couldn't date her and I didn't want to. That's why it took so long. I promise." He begs. "Then why would you keep it a secret?" I ask, basically sobbing out every word. "Because I didn't know what'd you say. I know it's selfish, but I just got you, I don't want to lose you. You have to trust me." He begs. "I can show you. Look." He says pulling out his phone. I slowly scoot closer to see and wipe the tears from my eyes, even though more continue to fall.

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