Through Highs & lows: chapter 29

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"We should all go out to lunch." My mom suggest as we get to the parking lot. "Yeah maybe get our minds distracted for a while. Just until tomorrow afternoon." Kat's mom agrees. We all nod our heads in agreement, and split up once again. We had four cars though and we had to take them all, so it was just whoever wanted to go with who that wasn't driving. My mom decided to go with Katrina's parents, I assume she choose to because of the comfort it would bring her. They really are like best friends. They've been friends since before Kat and I were born, thinking about it they've been friends since before they we're our age. Kat's parents are like my second set of parents. They actually might be my god parents. I don't actually know, I'll have to ask sometime. Anyways I'm glad they're here to be with my mom. Colby decided to go with me. Sam would've gone with Kat, but they both drove here, so they decided to go separately. We decide on going to a place called Rye Plaza. We used to all go there as kids sometimes. We all split up and leave. "I'm honestly not even that hungry." I say to Colby, as I drive to the restaurant. "Same. We we're the only ones who ate at the house though." Colby says. "Yeah. I'll probably order something light, or actually do you want to just share a meal or something?" I ask, glancing over to Colby for moment. "Yeah. That sounds nice. Very couple like" he laughs. "It does, doesn't. It's kind of weird you know?" I say, thinking about this whole situation. "What do you mean?" Colby asks. "It feels so natural dating you, but at the same time it feels almost like it's not reality. Like we've been best friends forever. Then high school rolled around, I thought I was going to date someone, but alternately couldn't because I was in love with you. Now we're dating and.of course I couldn't be happier about it, but this sounds like a story or something, it doesn't seem real." I explain. "I know what you mean, but it's not, it's not a movie or story, destiny maybe, but I love you more than anything in this world, and it's real. I know because I've never felt real love until you, I've never even loved anyone like you." He says. "Well yeah, but you've never known anyone as long as me besides Kat." I say. "I never needed to. You could come up with a thousand excuses or things and I'll always find away around it just to be with you." Colby says. I can feel his eyes on me, and it's taking everything in me to keep my eyes on the road and not look back. "Your right. I love you Colby. Really, I love you, no matter what I always will. You know that right?" I say thinking about how chaotic things can get when you least expect it. "Yeah of course I. I love you too." He says placing his hand on my leg. I sigh in content as I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant. I put the car in park and take out my keys. Then I finally turn my head, to meet Colby's eyes. "You know we already ate, we could just go to your house and..." He trails off. "Stop it." I laugh out. "What it's not like anyone's gonna be there." He says. "No. We're not here to eat. We're here to get our minds off of things and talk and have fun with our loved ones." I say taking his hand in mines. "Fine, but your mind would have been perfectly distracted." He says. "Yeah I'd be too busy thinking about how dreadful it is." I laugh. Colby's mouth drops open in shock. "Just kidding babe." I laugh out, before kissing his cheek, then letting go of his hand and getting out of the car. "That was out of pocket." He laughs as he closes the car door and walks to me. "So is talking about going home having sex right now." I say. "Fair enough." He says wrapping his arm around my shoulders. "It doesn't really feel like anything's changed between us, except I can kiss you when I feel it." I say with a small laugh, looking slightly up and over at Colby. We walk into the restaurant and see Kat and our parents already sitting down at a table. "Hey." I say to them, as Colby and I take a seat. "Where's Sam?" Colby asks. "I don't know. He hasn't come yet." Kat says. "I'll call him." I say pulling out my phone and dialing his number. The phone only rings like twice, before he answers.

Through highs & lowsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant