Through Highs and lows: chapter 47

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We mess around in the water for a while, before deciding we should go. One because it was getting really late and Kat and I didn't want to be tired driving back to my place, and two because we didn't want to get caught here. I had a few towels in my trunk so we used them before leaving. Kat and Sam get in her car, while Colby and I get inside mine. Colby and I talk on our drive home and it seemed to go by really fast. Maybe because there was no traffic. After all it was at least one in the morning, probably two by now. I pull into my driveway and Colby and I get out the car. I go to unlock my door, but the doors already unlocked. I open the door to see Sam and Kat settling in on the couch. I lock the door after closing it behind Colby and I. "So what now?" Kat asks. "I don't know about you, but I'm tired. I'm going to bed." I say, stretching out my arms. "Sleep sounds good to me." Kat yawns. "Okay well sleep wherever I guess. Colby did you want to lay with me or sleep out here?" I ask, turning to him. "I'll go with you." He says. "Okay." I smile. "Good night babes. Good night Sam." I call back to the two of them, as I make my way to the stairs. "Good night." They both say in return. Colby and I walk into my room. He closes the door while I prepare my bed. He walks over to me and kisses my cheek. "Good night." He says, before walking around to the other side of the bed and getting in. I get in next to him. "You don't have to go to sleep right now, just because I am. Feel free to watch t.v. if you want." I say handing him the remote. "No it's okay. But do you want to talk for a bit, just until one of us falls asleep." he suggests. "Yeah." I smile, turning my body to face him. I can barely see him, because all the lights are off accept for the one dim light, that's on my night stand. "So what do you want to talk about?" I ask. "I don't know you I guess?" He says. "Me?" I ask. "Yeah. Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asks. "Oh." I say before going quiet and thinking about it. "I guess I am. I mean I don't know." I say, having mixed emotions. Colby wraps his arms around me. It's not because I'm gonna cry, he does it just to let me know that he's here for me. I sigh, not knowing what to say. I just lay there hugging him back. "It's not that I'm not ready. I am and I believe in my dad too. I'm just scared. That five percent of me questioning my hope, the realist side asking me if I'm wrong, it scares me. Colby I really hope I'm not wrong. I can't deal with being wrong." I say. "It'll be okay. He'll be okay." Colby says, before kissing my head. It was barely anything, but for some reason it was so comforting coming from him. I yawn again, causing Colby to yawn right after. "Let's go to sleep for now." He says. "Okay." I respond, turning around to turn off the dim lamp on my night stand. I scoot back, until I feel his body back against mine and his arm around me. A small smile appears on my face, as I close my eyes and fall asleep. The next morning I wake up and see Colby's not laying next to me. I grab my phone and check the time. It's only nine, that's not too late, I'm kind surprised Colby is up though. 'Wherever he is?' I think to myself. I think about getting ready for the day, but I realize that I still have like five hours until I even have to be at the hospital. Still I have to take a long shower, because I forgot to take one last night. For now I'll check on everyone, see whose up, maybe eat some breakfast, then I'll get completely ready. I yawn before getting out bed and stretching. I walk out of my room and down the stairs. I hear talking, but the voices are low, so I can't make it out. When I get to the living room, I see Colby and Sam quietly talking, while Kat is still sleeping on the couch. "Oh hey your up." Sam says, looking at me. Colby turns around and a smile appears on his face. "Good morning." Colby says, walking up to me and giving me a quick kiss. "Good morning." I smile. I peek my head around Colby. "Good morning Sam." I say lightly laughing. Sam, Colby, and I all walk to the kitchen and make some cereal. We start talking as we eat. Eventually Kat wakes up and joins us.

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