Through Highs & lows: chapter 13

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Colby and I drive to school and we talk like normal, except it wasn't normal. Well it was normal, but not the same. We've always been so comfortable with each other. Like with anything. That's the reason everyone thought we were like a couple, but now it's been addressed and I don't know, it feels like that connection is gone. This is exactly what I was afraid of. "Where here." Colby says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh right." I say unbuckling myself and stepping out the car. Colby walks around the side of his car to walk next to me. "Hey are you okay?" He asks, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I can't help, but to let out the smile that appears on my face. "Yeah." I say, now actually feeling better. It's just the little things with Colby. "Good my girl can't be sad on only her second day back. Not to mention you were only here for half of the first one." He says swaying us, side to side. "Oh shit." I say stopping in my tracks. "What happened?" He Colby asks. "I just forgot the signatures on the syllabus. Do you have a pen. I can forge it in first period. Good thing I finished the paper." I say to Colby. "Oh wow. You had me worried." He laughs. "Oopsies." I laugh out. "Come on." He says we walk into first period and my good mood is restored. Colby and I sit in our seats from yesterday and as I sit down of course Dylan is already there, ready to start a conversation. "Hey." He says as I sit down. "Hey." I smile. "You look beautiful as always." He says in a flirtatious tone. "Thank you." I blush. "Hey. Caroline do you still want to come over later, since you couldn't yesterday?" Colby asks, grabbing my attention. "Oh yeah. What happened to you yesterday. I was looking for you after school." Dylan adds, as I turn back to look at him. "Uh?" I say a little confused. It's almost as if their competing for my attention. Is it bad that it's making me want to laugh. "Sure. You took me to school anyways. I'm still gonna hold you to the drawing." I say to Colby, before turning to Dylan. Before I can say anything the bell rings and the teacher starts talking. "I'll tell you in a little bit." I whisper, before smiling and facing forward again. "Okay." He states. I saw a bit of defeat in his eyes from the corner of my eyes. Then I saw a small smirk on Colby's from the other side of me. I felt kind of bad so I turned to him. "I really appreciate you asking though." I whisper. "Caroline what did I just say?" Mr. Adam asks. "Uh? That I'm already you favorite student." I say, unknowingly. "No. But if you give me five dollars we can forget this ever happened? I got bills to pay." He jokes. "Okay Bet." I laugh. "No. I'm just joking. Pay attention. I hate going over the syllabus, but I have to. You guys will probably have the last twenty minutes or so left of class to talk. So just listen right now." He says to me, but meant to the whole class. I nod my head then he continues explaining everything. "Okay so that's it any questions?" He Mr.Adams finally asks. "Okay none good. The rest of the tine is your. Remember tomorrow to bring your signed syllabus and we'll start notes and ab article tomorrow too. So make sure you have a notebook, pen or pencil, and highlighter." He says before walking to his desk. That reminds me I need to sign my syllabus' for my other classes. "So what happened?" Dylan asks. "Oh yeah. I just had a really bad headache." I lie. "Oh that sucks. I'm glad your okay now." He smiles. "Thank you. It was nothing a few aspirins and good friends couldn't fix." I say glancing at Colby, to make him feel better. "Oh you guys are just friends?" Dylan asks with a smirk. Shit this can go two different ways, but we are just friends. "Yeah of course." I smile, feeling a bit sad, knowing the fact that I'm not lying. "Oh good." He says. "Why?" I ask. "Just wondering." He smiles. "Okay. What were you gonna ask me after school then?" I ask genuinely carious. "You'll see today." He smiles. "Well I'll be at my locker getting my art supplies." I laugh.  "I'll keep that in mind." He laughs back. "Hey do you have a pen?" I ask Colby.

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