Through Highs & lows: Chapter 27

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"Looks like there's no one here to save you, except me." Colby says. "Sorry the moments over." I laugh. "Should have acted sooner." I say, while patting his shoulder. "So you wanted me to do something?" He says, quickly grabbing my hand and spinning me around. "Smoothe, how many girls have you done that to?" I ask unimpressed, despite the smile that appeared on my face. "You've known me my whole life. I've literally never done that to anyone. You know that, you're just stubborn." He says. "Whatever." I say removing my hand from his. "Exactly, your just proving my point." He laughs. "No idea what you're talking about?" I laugh. "For example, do you love me?" He asks. "Yeah." I respond. "Will you go out with me though?" He follows up. "Yup." I smile, trying to prove a point, that I'm not stubborn. Even though that makes me stubborn, but it's not fair either way. "Exac... Waite what?" He asks in shock. "I'll go out with you." I say, laughing from the expression on his face. "If your fucking with me, this isn't funny." He says. "I'm not. Come on we have to go." I say grabbing his hand and dragging him to the door, so we can leave. I don't know what's happening he didn't say anything maybe he's comprehending it or something. I just laugh as I run back to my bed to grab my phone before going back to the door and opening it. Colby's eyes follow me the whole time, before a huge smile appears on his face and he picks me up, swinging me around. "You look dumb." I laugh. "I love you." He says ignoring my comment and placing me down, but still holding onto me. "I love you too." I smile. "We can go now." He smiles. "Okay. Let go of my waist." I laugh. "Oh right." He laughs, removing his hands. We walk back out to the living room together. "Sorry for the hold up. We we're talking." I say. "It's fine. I was telling your mom that my parents called me earlier, their gonna be at the hospital too." Kat says. "Oh okay." I say. I know that it'll be good for my mom. They've all been friends since before we were born. I know it may be hard on them for that same reason though. "You know it was smart getting a boyfriend while your dad's unconscious." My mom smiles. There is still a sadness in her eyes, but I can see she's trying to push it away. "Waite what? How? What?" I say confused, just realizing what she said. "We might have heard your conversation as we passed by your room." Kat adds. "You were listening in?" I say, crossing my arms. "It doesn't matter. You should be with someone who you love and will keep you happy. I'm glad it's Colby. Your farther and I knew it would be." My mom says. My eyes go soften looking at her. "Yeah." I say looking over to Colby. "Okay, well come on." She sighs, but keeps a smile on her face. I can tell it's only half real, like mines. "Yeah. Okay." I say walking up to the door. I open the door and Colby and I walk out. Kat and my mom follow us out the door, closing it behind them. We all get in Kat's car, returning to the same seats as last time. Kat drives off and the ride is quiet to start off. "So are you ready for this?" Colby asks breaking the silence between us. I look at him and even notice my mom glance back, before looking forward again. "I don't really know." I sigh. "I mean, I know he's stable and not at risk of dying, so I'm relieved and thankful for that. On the other hand I haven't seen him so much as move, except when breathing. I just miss talking to him. I mean it's been two days and so much has happened in that time." I say. "Yeah. I wonder what he would say about us dating? That would be a fun interrogation." Colby lightly laughs. "What more could he even ask? He knows almost just as much about you as I do. You guys talk almost everytime you visit. He really admires you and Sam though. Ever since we met as little kids." I smile. "Really?" Colby asks. "Yeah of course. He talks about it when you guys aren't around. He'd be glad knowing you guys are together" My mom says. "Yeah. One time he told me, he knew I liked you. He knew I actually loved you. I denied it at the time, but we both knew the truth." I add. I lay my head on Colby's shoulder as a few tears fall down my face and I think of my dad.

Through highs & lowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora