Through Highs & lows: chapter 15

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"Oh thank God." He sighs and smiles. I can't help, but to blush at the situation. Colby didn't seem to say anything. He didn't really talk the whole class actually. He finally said something as we walk to second period. "See I knew you'd get a date. No one can resist you." He says bumping my arm with his. "Sounds like you would've asked me." I joke. "Well I already have Arianna." He laughs. All of a sudden it feels like those words pierce through my heart and it's bleeding out. I mean I already knew that, but just hearing him say it almost killed me. "Yeah." I fake laugh, wanting to cry instead. *fast forward to after school* I told Kat that I would drive to her house after I pick up my dress and stuff from my house, then we can get ready together. Dylan wanted to pick me up, but Kat and I already had this planned before he asked me, so I told him that I'd meet him there. He didn't know that Kat and I would go with Sam and Colby though. But I'm sure it won't be a problem Colby is meeting his date there too. I grab my stuff from my room before walking out to the living room, where both my parents are. "Okay. I'm going to Kat's house." I say walking up to them. "Oh honey, I have to go on a trip to L.A. for the next two days, but your mom will be here all night. I'll see you soon though." My dad says as I hug him. "Waite L.A.? Take photos and bring something back for me. Oh and if you meet someone famous." "Take a photo with them. I know." My dad cuts me off and laughs. "Yeah." I laugh, before hugging my mom. "Okay well I love you dad. I'll see you soon. And I love you mom. I'll see you tonight." I say walking to the door. "Love you bye." They say in unison. "Don't do anything stupid." My dad adds as I open the door. "No promises. I'm just kidding I won't." I laugh before closing the door and going to Kat's house. I arrive with in ten minutes and we get ready. (Outfit and make-up on Ig story/ top) Sam and Colby soon arrive and Kat and I get into the back seat. "Hey babe. Hey Caroline." Sam says as he pulls off. "Hey." We both laugh. "You guys look really nice. Kat who are you going with, because Sam and I came to the conclusion of going with each other. We're just too damn sexy to go with anyone else." He jokes. "More like everyone else rejected you." I laugh. "Shut up. I look good and you know it." Colby retorts. "Yes Colby you look so amazingly hot, that I might just pass out from a heat stroke right here, are you happy?" I laugh out, but half meaning it actually. "Yup, there's no competition." Colby laughs. "The only reason there's no completion is because I already beat you." I laugh out. "Eh. You look okay." He shrugs. My mouth drops open and I pretend to be extremely hurt, while Sam and Kat start laughing. "I'm just kidding. You look great." He laughs. "No don't talk to me." I joke, as I cross my arms. "What? It was a joke. You know you look stunning you could win miss america." He smiles, looking at me through the rearview mirror. "Hey, Colby stop flirting. She already has a date." Sam laughs. "I wasn't flirting. I have a date too." Colby says putting his hands up in defence. "Sadly." I murmur to myself. "Huh?" Colby asks. "I was just thinking out loud." I say looking down. "What exactly where you thinking about?" Kat says with a smirk. I look up at her and give her a quick death glare. "I was just thinking that today's gonna be really fun." I smile. "That sounds cheesy." Kat laughs. "Shut up it'll be the best day ever." I laugh. "Oh that's my favorite SpongeBob quote." Colby adds, making us laugh. Sam pulls into a parking spot and we all get out the car and start walking to the front. As we walk to the front my phone rings. "Hello?" I say answering the phone. "Hey. Where are you?" Dylan asks. "Oh I'm walking to the front right now." I smile, even though he can't see me. "Okay I'll see you in few then." He says. "Kay bye." I say before hanging up. We walk to the front and when I see Dylan he just stares at me making my heart beat. "Wow you amazing." He says pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.

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