Through Highs & lows: Chapter 68

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"Nope." I say, still trying to keep up the act. If he could see my insides, he'd know I already failed though.  "I think your trying to mess with me." He says. "Now why would I do that?" I ask sarcastically, finally laughing. "Because now that it's worked you don't know what to do." He smirks. "No. Now that it's over we're gonna go inside and watch a movie." I say. "Yeah no. I don't think that's what you want to do." He says, before grabbing my hand and softly kissing it. "Colby it doesn't matter what I, nor you, want to do. Let me remind you my mom is home." I say, having goosebumps just from his touch at this point. Colby sits there quietly. "Fine I'll wait. You better be waiting outside by the time I'm here though." He says. "Fine." I say, opening the door. "Okay hurry up. You have to go soon." I say, stepping out of the car. "But I'll be back." He laughs, locking the car doors. "Shut up." I laugh, grabbing his hand and walking with him to the door. I knock on the door, because I left my keys in my bag, which is still in my house. It takes a minute, but soon enough my mom opens the door. "You guys are back. Where's Sam and Kat?" My mom asks, letting Colby and I inside. "Oh we didn't play mini golf with them. It's a long story, but I'll explain later." I shrug. "Okay." She smiles. "Well for now were gonna watch Dr.Sleep. We were gonna ask if you wanted to watch it with us." I say. "Uh what type of movie is it?" She asks. "We don't know. We haven't watched it yet. But it got really good reviews," I answer. I purposely leave out the fact that it's a horror movie, because I know she hates them. "Well who's it by?" She asked. "Don't remember." I shrug. "What do you mean it's by Stephen King." Colby says, confused on why I wouldn't know. I jolt my elbow out, hitting him the ribs. "Ow!? What was that for?" He says letting go of my hand to grab his side. "Ha. Nice try. I'm not watching a horror movie. I was just about to go to bed anyways." My mom laughs. "What? No. Please..." I beg. "Nope." She laughs. "Oh come on. Don't you want to spend some quality time with you're amazingly wonderful daughter." I glance over to Colby for a moment. "And her boyfriend. Even if he talks to much." I say, glaring at him for a moment. He just puts his hands up in defence. "Not watching a scary movie." My mom says. "You can spend time with me tomorrow. Telling me that story of what happened or something." She adds. "I have school tomorrow." I say. "I'll excuse you. Just for tomorrow though." She says. "Really?" I smile. "Yeah. Why not, you do have a legitimate excuse this time." My mom says. "Yes. I love you." I say happily. "Hey it's a good thing since you won't be able to walk anyways." Colby says not thinking. My eyes grow wide and I snap my head to him. "Uh. Because we are supposed to do the mile tomorrow." Colby says catching his mistake. I just suck in my lips and nod, before turning my head back to my mom. "I didn't even remember we had to run tomorrow." I laugh, trying to play it off. "You guys still take P.E. I thought you guys finished that sophomore year?" My mom questions. "We did. Choir bet against band who can sell more tickets in our class in a fund raiser. Band won, because we're clearly superior." Colby says. "Oh." My mom laughs. "Band can suck my ass." I retort. "Watch your language." My mom says. "Sorry." I say, turning back to her. I hear Colby laughing at me and I punch his arm. "Okay okay I'm done." He says. "You know your really annoying." I say to him. "I know it's gift." He smiles. "It's a gift." I mock him. "Its am mwnsb." He says mocking my mockery. "Blehh" i say, jabbing my fingers in the side of his stomach and laughing. "Owe. You bi.. beautiful woman." He laughs. "Yeah that's what I thought." I laugh. My mom clear her throat and we both look back over to her. "I'm going to bed." She says. "Okay. Love you. Goodnight." I say. "Good night." Colby smiles. "Goodnight you two. Love you. Colby text Caroline when you get home so someone knows you're safe." She says, before turning around and walking to bed. "Will do." Colby calls out, before we walk to the living room. "You really can't keep your mouth closed though." I laugh as I grab the remote. "True, but your no better. How are you gonna explain why we were at the hotel, when you tell your mom about today." Colby laughs.

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