Through Highs & lows: Chapter 72

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I finally find my keys and open the door. After walking inside, I close and lock the door behind me. At this point I go back to being completely quiet. I know I may have to try not to cry walking up the stairs, with my week ass legs though. Actually should I just sleep on the couch. I could just say, I fell asleep there watching the movie. I mean technically I wouldn't be lying. Fuck it, I can't walk up those steps. I make my way to the living room couch, but stop when I hear a shuffling noise. I turn to my left and barely notice the kitchen light is on. "Oh shit." I whisper to myself. I know that obviously has to be my mom. If I walk to the couch she'll be able to see me from the kitchen. Unless... I crawl and pray she doesn't look to the floor. No then she'll probably hear me shuffling around to get on the couch. But I could just sleep on the floor. No, there's no way out of this. I'll just make up something, she'll probably figure out that I'm up one way or another. As my indecisive ass tries to figure out what to do, my mom walks out of the kitchen and sees me. "Caroline!?" She exclaims, jumping up a bit and dropping a glass, of what looks like water. "Hey mom..." I say. "Did you just get here?" She asks confused, picking up the cup. It's a good thing the cup was plastic. "Yeah... But I have a good explanation." I say, knowing I don't. "Which is?" She asks crossing her arms. "Well..." I say stalling while my mind tries to think up something. "Well." She laughs, waiting to hear what excuse I come up with. It's like she knows I'm lying, before I can even tell the lie. "I couldn't sleep. I was just overthinking I guess. I didn't want to wake you up, so I texted Colby and asked him if he was up. He surprisingly was so we went out. We just went out for a walk." I say. "A walk?" She says with suspicion, as she steps closer to me. "Yup." I try to say confidently. "Why is your hair wet?" She asks. My eyes widen for a moment. "Oh no. That's sweat, it was a hike. Actually my legs are really killing me. Can we talk on the couch?" I say, telling the truth on the last half. We walk into the living room and I sit on the couch, finally relaxing my legs. My mom however stands in front of me, with crossed arms. "So your telling me you went on a hike in the middle of the night. You went on this hike in your pajamas and slippers. Not to mention your hair is wet from 'sweat?'" She says, making quotations with her fingers. "Mhmm..." I say, even though I've been caught in my obvious lie. "I have a feeling the only thing you weren't lying about was your legs, based on your expression when you sat down. However we both know nothing else adds up. I'll pretend to believe you this time, because I don't think I want to know the truth though." She says, before finally sitting beside me. "Oh thank goodness." I sigh. "Your lucky I'm your mother. Your dad would kill you right now." My mom laughs. "Yeah. At least you have a daughter you can trust though." I say, leaning my head on her shoulder. "Tell me truthfully where you were then." My mom says, leaning her head on top of mine. "Okay well you can trust I used a condom." I laugh. "Stop that." My mom says lifting her head off of mine, and lightly hitting my head with her hand. "What? We both know you already put two and two together." I say, rubbing my head, even though it didn't hurt. "Little girl, go to bed." My mom laughs. "About that... I was gonna sleep in here. My legs aren't exactly in the best condition right now. Remember?" I say, trying not to laugh. "I'm going to my room." My mom says getting up. "Good night." I laugh out. "I'm not going to bed. I just keep my belts in my room." She jokes. "I can't run." I laugh. "That's the point." She laughs out. "Trust me I'm in enough pain." I call out to her. "Go to bed before I really do get out a belt." She laughs out. "Yeah okay. Good night mom. I love you." I call out to her. "Good night. I love you." She calls back. I lay down on the couch, stretching my legs out. It's honestly kind of cold right now and I could really use a blanket. There are none around me though, and I don't have the physical capacity to get up and grab one. It didn't matter though I still fell asleep within the next few minutes, out of pure exhaustion.

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