Through Highs & lows: Chapter 78

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"Okay so we still have fifteen minutes before the bell rings, how do you want to do this?" Sam asks. "First we need to go to your car." I say. "My car?" He asks. "Yeah. Where is it parked?" I ask. "In the parking lot." He says, still confused. "Okay perfect. Let's go then I'll explain there." I say. "How they won't let us out until the bell rings for lunch." Sam says. I hit my head. "Duh. How did I ain't think of that." I say. "Haha. Your stupid." Sam laughs. "Shut up." I say, punching his arm. "Ow! Okay." He says, rubbing it. "Okay. Come on we'll just have to jump the fence in the back by the art hall. It'll be perfect because the student parking lot is like right there too." I say. "Okay. Let's go, just explain on the way." He says. I nod and we head towards the art hall. "Okay so tell them to meet you at the front of the school." I say. "Okay. Are you gonna tell me why?" He says. "Yeah. So first you have to go to your car. Your gonna unlock it for me and I'm gonna hide in the back. Then You'll have to jump back over the fence and get back in the school without getting caught." I start off. "Okay I think I know where this is going, but continue..." He says, with a small laugh. "Exactly. So make sure Colby sits in back." I say, with pleading hands. "Yeah of course. So what exactly should I say though?" He asks. "Say you guys are gonna come pick me up for lunch or something." I shrug. "No I mean to get Colby to sit in the back." He laughs. "Oh..." I laugh. "I don't know Kat's your girlfriend. Just open the passenger seat door for her and she'll get it in. Colby will just go to the back." I say, as we finally get to the metal fence. "Yeah. I guess your right." He laughs. Okay so I'll go first. I climb up the fence then jump over. Next Sam jumps over and of course he jumps over with ease. In my defense I don't go to that one abandoned building that he goes to with Colby and Nate all the time. "Speaking of... Have you see Nate lately?" I ask Sam, not really thinking about it. "Uh no? But no one was speaking." He laughs, as we walk to his car. "Wait yeah I was just thinking about it, then said it out loud. Sorry." I laugh out. "I do that all the time. But anyways Nate hasn't gotten back from vacation with his family. He comes back in like two weeks." Sam says. "Oh no wonder." I say. If your wondering Nate is our friend. He's not like super close to us, but we're still all friends. We all hang out, I would say pretty often, but Sam and Colby hang out with him the most. If their out and not with us, their most likely with him. "Okay so you ready. I have five minutes to get back into the school then call Colby." Sam says, as he not only unlocks his car, but efficiently snaps me out of my thoughts. I basically ball up on the far side of the floor of his car. "Okay just sit tight I guess. We'll be back in a few minutes." He says. "Oh wait do you have like a jacket or something that can cover me, so they don't notice." I say. "Uh..." Sam drags out, as he looks around. "Yeah, no. But you'll be fine, Colby doesn't pay attention and Kat won't be able to see you from the front." Sam says. "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah. Plus it's not like their expecting it." Sam says. "I guess your right. Okay we'll hurry up and go. I'll be fine." I say. "Okay." He nods. "Oh don't forget to lock the door." I say as he closes the door. He smiles and finishes closing it. As he walks away I hear the car make a clicking noise, signifying that it's locked. I look at the door across from me and can clearly see it's now been locked. I decide to pull out my phone while I wait for the bell to ring. I decide to put it on silent just in case. I just scroll through Instagram for a while and before I know it, I hear the lunch bell ring. I put away my phone knowing Sam is about to call Colby and they'll all be here soon. I position myself to where you still can't see me until you open the door, but to where I can spring up and scare Colby.  Sooner or later I hear Colby's voice along with the familiar laughs of Sam and Kat, get closer to the car. "But anyways..." Colby laughs. I can now hear his voice less than a few feet away. I hear the passenger door open. "After you." Sam laughs. I can hear Kat start to step in, but I don't think to much about it, because I see Colby. He starts to open the door, not paying attention. As he opens the door Kat starts to get in. "COLBY!" I yell jumping up. Colby jumps back, trips over his feet and falls straight to the ground. I even see Kat jump with my  peripheral vision, but it didn't get her nearly as much as Colby. I hop out of the car laughing. "You scared the shit out of me." Colby says, sitting up. "Are you okay?" I ask through laughter, while offering him a hand up. I can hear the laughter of both Sam and Kat besides me. Colby is the only one who isn't laughing. He grabs my hand pulling himself up, before dusting himself off. "Your not funny." Colby says with a snarky tone, yet he's smiling. I can tell he's trying not to smile, but how can he not.  "Then why are you smiling." I laugh. "Maybe I'm just happy to see you." He answers. "Well maybe that and because you know it was funny." I say, teasing him.


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