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Jungkook's POV

A lot happened since the wedding. Our parents got a divorce because Hyunsoo couldn't stand the fact that Taehyung and I weren't straight. He didn't want to be apart of a 'broken' family. It crushed my mom, but after seeing Hyunsoo's true colors she realized that wasn't the man she wanted to marry.

As for Taehyung, we are trying to get in contact with his mom but she was almost impossible to find, so Taehyung was still living with us but I don't wanna date him. He's likes playing around and I don't want to get my heart broken.

Taehyung and I were just friends, living in the same house. He's been feeling really down and I was trying my best to cheer him up and take his mind off of everything.


Taehyung and I sat down watching Full House for the tenth time to the point where we knew all the lines.

"Bunny." Taehyung groaned, putting all his body weight on me. "This is boringgg."

"Well, we already watched everything else on Netflix." I said, straining my voice because of how heavy he was.

"Let's do something else then." He said looking at me with looking at me with his cute bright smile. I was blushing like crazy.

What? I said I don't wanna date him, not that I don't like him.

"S-so what should we do?" I asked him and he jumped up dragging me to the kitchen.

"Let's make chocolate chip cupcakes." He said and we paused and smiled at each other.

We quickly grabbed all the ingredients and made the batter and frosting

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We quickly grabbed all the ingredients and made the batter and frosting.

"Hey Bunny." He said, tapping my shoulder. I turned to him, getting a face of flour and he laughed. I took the cocoa powder and gave him a taste of his own medicine. I couldn't imagine my mom's face if she came in and saw her kitchen like this.

We put the cupcakes in the oven and stood up impatiently watching them bake. Taehyung dipped his finger in the frosting and I sucked it off before he could.

"You always suck like that?" He smirked.

"Maybe I do." I said, playing along.

"You're temping me to do something you won't like." He said pulling me closer by my belt.

"Who says I won't like it?"

He pressed his lips against mine, gently pushing my against the kitchen counter and closing the gap between our bodies. His hand found its way under my shirt, brushing past my nipple making me whimper.

He lifted me up by my thighs and put me on top of the counter. He planted soft kisses along my neck and and collarbone.

"Y-Yah hyung, no hickeys." I managed to say.

"We'll cover them up." He said, before continuing, but he quickly backed away when the front door opened.

"Why does my kitchen look like this?" My mom asked, seeing the mess we had yet to clean up.

"And Jungkook, why are you on the counter?" She asked and I quickly jumped off before the timer for the cupcakes went off.

"We made cupcakes." I said with a smile.

She let out a long sigh. "I'm going to take a nap. You guys behave." She said before leaving.

I looked down at my phone and I realized I had somewhere to be. Jimin and Yoongi set me up on a blind date. I sighed and got up to get ready.

"Wait, where are you going?" Tae asked.

"I have a blind date." I said before running upstairs.

I got ready by putting on a casual outfit. After all, we were only going to get boba tea. I put my hair up because it was getting really long and today was hot. I didn't really have intentions with the guy. I was doing it because Yoongi and Jimin wouldn't get off my back. I headed downstairs and saw that Taehyung was puting the frosting on the last cupcake.

"Aw, I wanted to do it with you." I pouted.

"It's okay. Go, you'll be late for your little date." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Can I at least get a cupcake?" I asked and he cocked an eyebrow, looking me straight in the eye while tapping his fingers on the table. Shit, he's pissed.

"Do you want me to bring you back anything?" I asked.

"No thanks."

"A-are you mad at me?"

"Aw Jungkook, why would I be mad at you?" He chuckled.

"No reason. I'll be back soon." I said.

"Mhmm, have fun." He said in a monotoned voice.

"Two strawberry milk teas please." I said when it was my time to order. I got one for Taehyung  because I know how much he likes it. I took out my wallet to pay.

"Can you add another one of what he's having?" The guy behind me said, paying for all the drinks.

"You're Jungkook right?" He asked me with a smile.

Guess I'll be having a better time than I thought.

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