Pᴀʀᴛ ɴɪɴᴇ - ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ

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Trigger warning: mentions of rape

Jungkook's POV

"You guys almost fucked?!" Jimin shouted when I told him what happened last night, gaining some weird looks from others.

"Keep your voice down." I said, punching his arm.

"Okay, but why did you pull away?" He asked, rubbing the part that I punched.

"I can't stress this anymore, we. are. brothers. I practically forced myself on him."

"And did he pull away?" He asked.

"He..he just got caught up in the moment."

"Okay, it's too early in the morning to hear your bullshit." He sighed, before his phone buzzed. He looked at it and his face turn red.

"Yoongi?" I asked and he nodded, still looking at the same text.

"I-I gotta go meet him in the janitor's closet." He said avoiding eye contact.

"I don't know if that's cute or gross, but go have fun." I said and he giggled before running off.

I opened my locker, getting all the books I needed for my classes, when someone rudely greeted me with a tap on the ass. I instantly turned around to see Jackson, one of my exes.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked coldly, disgusted at the sight of his face.

"Why so cold?" He said coming closer to me, squeezing my ass. I pushed him away, making him fall to the floor.

"I'm not fucking around. What more do you want from me?"

All the anger and hatred that I had for him were boiling up inside of me.

"Little bunny learnt to defend himself."

"Don't call me that." I said. The only person who could call me that was Taehyung but hearing it came from Jackson's mouth was absolutely disgusting.

"What's your problem?" He asked, getting up and brushing off himself.

"You know exactly why I hate you so I don't understand why you decided that it was a good idea to talk to me after what you did."

"Look you don't remember half of what happened that night." He defended himself to make it seem like he was the victim.

"I do remember how you took advantage of me, so the next time you fucking touch me again, I'll make sure that all the bones in that little pathetic body of yours are broken. Stay away from me."

The rest of the day I could barely concentrate on anything all because of Jackson. To think he had the nerve to talk to me and touch me like that. I hope he dies and suffers in the deepest parts of hell. Walking around here like he's a saint, knowing what he did to me. Then he had the gall to tell me I was drunk and didn't remember everything clearly.

I remember every single detail of what he did to me but I was so weak I didn't even have the chance to defend myself. That night still haunts me to this day and there's nothing I can do about it. I haven't told anyone, not even Jimin and I don't intend to. It's in the past and I want to keep it that way.

When I went home I was going to head straight to my room but Taehyung, who was in the living room watching Netflix called me.

"Hey Bunny." He said with a smile.

"Hi." I responded in a monotoned voice, but with a smile hoping he wouldn't suspect anything.

"Come sit beside me." He said and I did as told. "What's wrong?" He asked and I shook my head.

"Nothing." I said, but he wasn't buying it.

"Bunny." He said leaning forward, letting our foreheads touch. "If anything's troubling you, you can always tell me." He said, caressing my cheek.

I tried so hard to tell him but all the memories flashed in my head, memories of Jackson, memories of that night. I couldn't hold it in anymore and the tears just wouldn't stop.

Taehyung took me into his arms and I clung unto his shirt, soaking it with my tears.

"I-I hate h-him." I managed to say.

"Who?" He asked and I kept quiet, wondering if I should tell him or not.

"Bunny, who hurt you?" He asked.


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