Chapter 11: A Big Mistake

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Wynter's P.O.V.

I decided to meet up with Addison to discuss cheer practice tomorrow, but I had a bad feeling. Like something was wrong.

I had finished putting on my regular wolf clothes and exited the locker room when I heard sobbing. I smelt sadness and heartbreak. It sent me into a panic mode when I realized it was my alpha.

I began walking to search for her, but my guts told me to go and check the auditorium. I went there and found her in one of the seats in the very back, crying.

"Veronica!" I said as I fast-walked to where she was.

She looked at me with tears falling down her eyes and it honestly felt painful seeing her broken. I wanted nothing more than to take the pain away.

I took the seat next to her and pulled her into my arms. "Shh, I got you." I whispered.

Nothing else mattered in the world to me other than being there for Veronica because she was one of the only ones I considered my sister

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Nothing else mattered in the world to me other than being there for Veronica because she was one of the only ones I considered my sister. She was my family and believed in me when no one else did. She was always there for me even more than Willa (don't tell her I said that).

I was happy she chose me as her third-in-command. Now, it's my turn to do the same.

"Tell me what's wrong, V. Maybe I can help." I said as she calmed down a little bit, though she was still crying. I kept my hand on top of hers to provide some sort of comfort.

"Wyatt cheated on me." she cried into her hands.

"He what?!" I asked, more like shouted. Why in the hell would he cheat on her? They're mates for life. He imprinted.

I tried to contain my anger that was slowly creeping up, but remained clam for the sake of my best friend. Pulling away, I wiped her tears as I helped her slow her breathing down.

"I was excited to tell him the news about my mom, but I found him making out with Diondra in a classroom. When he looked at me, his eyes were filled with nothing but hate." she explained.

I looked at my claws and then at Veronica. "Can I look into your memories? I need to see."

She nodded and moved the hair form her neck before I reached behind her and sunk my claws into her neck. She winced and kept a tight grip on my arm as flashes engulfed my vision.

**Veronica was walking and she looked into an empty classroom. Wyatt had Diondra on a desk, taking his shirt off while kissing her neck. She giggled.

"Wyatt?" she asked, her voice breaking.

He looked up at her and his eyes were glaring at her while Diondra held a smirk on her face, pushing Wyatt away. "He's so stupid and easy to get through. Some Alpha male he is."

"I never loved you, Veronica. You're too clueless." he said.

"You imprinted on me, son of a bitch! We're soulmates! Are you really throwing everything away for her?" I asked.

"Yes." he replied.

She went to Diondra and tackled her down before she began punching her over and over again. Wyatt began groaning and holding his head, clearly in pain.

Veronica managed to bite into Diondra's arm, making the mermaid cry out in pain before she rammed her against the wall, knocking her out. She proceeded to look at Wyatt, who was holding his head and watching everything unfold.

"You betrayed me, asshole. You're not the one I fell in love with. The Wyatt Lykensen I know and love would never touch another girl. I don't know how this happened, but we're done. I, Veronica Andrews remove Wyatt Lykensen as Alpha male of the pack and my mate." she said.

He stared off into space and she didn't even look back at him before leaving the classroom and crying my her out in the empty hallway.

She ran and ran until she ended up in the  auditorium just as rehearsals were going on. She sat in one of the back seats where she couldn't be seen and cried silently.

A bright light engulfed my vision before I was snapped back into the real world and my claws retracted from Veronica's neck. It healed rather quickly and she continued crying. I pulled her into my arms and continued comforting her.

"Shh. Come on." I said as I guided her up and kept my arm around her shoulders as we left the auditorium.

We ended up going to the library and saw Addison talking with three of the mermaids. I think their names were Delta, Davy, and Ariel.

They weren't actually that bad, minus Diondra. Without her in the picture, the mer-people were actually pretty chill and decent to talk to.

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