Chapter 8: New Friendships

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*Fast Forward One Week*

Veronica's P.O.V.

"Homecoming is in two weeks! We need to go shopping for dresses and stuff!" Wynter said as us and our female friends sat outside on the grass.

"They just brought in new fashion for the werewolves. We need to go shopping after school before all the good dresses get cleaned out." Bree explained. I looked up from the homework I was struggling with. A damn essay that I have to do three pages of. As if high school couldn't be more cruel enough.

"You good, V? You don't seem to be very into this talk about homecoming." Eliza said. I chuckled as I showed them the papers. "Pretty busy to go dress shopping."

"How about this?" Addison told me. "You put those in your backpack and forget about it for today. Tonight is all about preparing for homecoming."

I sighed before smiling and putting my essay in my backpack as the commotion from football practice sounded from outside the bleachers we were under.

"So, how did you guys manage in the eclipse?" Bree asked as I lay back, my head resting on Sadie's lap as she cuddled with my third-in-command.

"It's a pretty long story. Maybe another day. I'm still pretty worn out." I explained, flashbacks of that troublesome, exhausting night. Dad wasn't kidding when he said that it normally took a huge toll on werewolves, especially those who were younger or inexperienced.

The school bell rang and I took that as my cue to go to my next class. I only needed two more until the school day was over. I had 7 classes total and Biology was next on the schedule. That as well as my Spanish class.

"I have to go. I'll see you later." I told them before getting up and leaving.

I ended back in the school and headed straight for class and I saw all the lab equipment there. Well, at least labs are better than the damn lectures.

I went to the closest seat and table and sat down, putting on my lap gear and getting my notebook. There was a sudden silence that filled the room.

Looking to my right, I saw none other than Aaron there. I noticed that the only available seat was next to me. I sighed and mentally prayed for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.

"Keep staring cause I'm thinking of introducing every piranha I know to everybody. Mind your damn business." he threatened, his eyes glowing blue. All the stares immediately died as every student cowered in fear of the merman.

I mean, he was the future King of the sea after all. A ruler just like how I was the Great Alpha. Big responsibilities at such a young age and having a potential future Queen just like Wyatt becoming my Alpha male.

Maybe he wasn't so bad as he came off to be.

His aura was very powerful and radiant in a way. I mean, any girl would be with him since merpeople were very beautiful indeed. He was tall, had a toned, muscular body that any girl would swoon over, piercing blue eyes and a serious look on his face. He had the bad boy type of look.

He groaned before seemingly giving in (not that he had a choice) and sitting in the stool next to mine. I tried to ignore him as the teacher came and stood in front of the board.

"Welcome to class. Today, you'll be in partners with the person seated next to you. You're going to be dissecting owl pellets. You'll collect the data and work together to solve the questions provided on the worksheets I'll give you. Seeing as you're all prepared and geared up, let's get started.

Once we got to work on the experiment, I tried to think of ways to talk to Aaron without provoking him.

"So, I know that we might've started off on the wrong foot earlier. I understand what it's like to be new to something that you're not very comfortable or experienced with. Do you want to maybe get to know each other?" I asked.

I could literally feel as if I was hanging from a thread. A gut-wrenching sensation ripping through my body as I hoped for everything to go smoothly.

"I'm not too acquainted with werewolves nor do I trust them. What makes you think i can trust you?" he asked as I picked up a scalpel that was on my side of the table. Thank goodness the school had made gloves that would protect werewolves from the silver tools.

"I know, I know. You don't have to trust me, but I would like to get to know you so we can somehow make peace between the both of us and make the tension ease a bit. Leader to leader and person to person." I explained.

Aaron looked at me before he went to writing in his notebook. "Well, first off, I'm Aaron and the future king of Atlantis. I actually became a merman after I found out that my parents weren't my parents. I have a love/hate relationship with pirates."

"Wait, pirates still exist?" I asked.

He chuckled as he shook his head. "Yes, they do. They've just learned to hide that well while keeping their ways going."

Aaron Rivers was just like me.

I can't believe I had stuff in common with a merman. The first time we saw each other, I wanted to kill him, but here we were, talking.

"Now, that's all I'm going to sat for now. Tell me, Great Alpha. What about you?" he asked, looking at me.

"Since you mentioned your family, I guess it's fine to tell you about mine. I became a wolf just last year. My powers were sealed when I was a baby. My mom was the Great Alpha and my dad was just a nearby werewolf that met my stepmother. I thought she was my mom, but she wasn't. I have a brother from her. When the wolves came to Seabrook, I found out I was a werewolf and the next Great Alpha. I met my mate and it's been that way since." I explained.

"Geez. Who would've thought that a mermaid and a werewolf could have so much in common?" I asked.

"Not me." he said.

I watched as he picked up his scalpel and struggled to dissect. "You don't know how to? Don't you guys hunt fish?"

"Mermaids don't eat fish because it's considered wrong as we're basically part fish ourselves. We eat seaweed and any other vegetation. Some of us have fish companions but also others such as manatees. They make great pets for us. We can communicate with fish telepathically and control any form of water. Our weapons include spears, tridents, blades, and swords." he explained.

"Interesting. Your kind seems very unique. Maybe there's more to mermaids than what I thought. Or anyone for that matter such as my pack." I said.

He groaned as he struggled to use the scapel.

I chuckled before I placed my hand over his, guiding him. "Here. Let me help."

I showed him what to do and before long, he got the hang of it. Once class was over, the both of us left. He was actually a pretty decent person.

I walked beside him as we continued talking and finding things about about each other. I had a feeling that this was the start of a possible friendship, maybe even an alliance.

"You know, you taught me how to work tools like the ones we used in class. Why don't I show you how to do something is mermaids are good at when we're human?" he asked.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Surfing." he replied.

I looked at him with a confused look on my face. "Don't you mermaids get a tail once you touch the water?"

Aaron nodded. "However, some of us have these sea crystals that we can use to touch the water and not transform." He showed me his gold bracelet which had a dark blue crystal that had gold wire wrapped around it nicely.

"That's cool. You see this moonstone I'm wearing?" I asked, showing him my necklace. He nodded his head.

"This keeps us werewolves strong for as long as hundreds of years. It gives us our powers and is basically our source of life. Without them, we can die, especially if they're low on energy. My pack lost a few of it's members before I found them." I explained,

"I'm sorry for those you lost. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you, but I'm not comfortable talking about it." Aaron said.

"It's okay. All the time in the world." I said before we continued to our destination.

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