Chapter 14: Support Systems

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Veronica's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to get ready for school. It was going to be tough going back and knowing that I would encounter my former mate at some point. I didn't want to go, but I had to.

I did my morning routine and everything. I decided I didn't feel like showing my wolf side, since I wasn't in the right state of mind. So, I decided to just wear my cheerleader uniform and tamed my hair to be straight.

After getting ready, I went downstairs and saw Ethan eating breakfast while my parents were serving themselves.

"Morning, guys." I greeted.

They greeted me back with smiles before my mom placed a plate in front of me. My favorite omelette and a side of toast. I decided to pour myself a cup of coffee before eating with my family.

"How are you feeling?" my dad asked.

"I'm okay." I replied.

My mom placed a hand on my shoulder. "Honey, if you don't want to go to school, you don't have to."

"That's not it." I replied, shaking my head. "I just want him to stay as far away from me as possible. Even if I have to enforce that as Alpha."

"Sweetie, whether you decide to give him another chance or not, make someone else Alpha Male, or remain mate-less, we'll support your decision." my dad said.

I finished my breakfast and he decided to take me to school. Once I got dropped off, I just walked straight into the building, not bothering with anything else.

I saw Addison and the rest of our friends talking in one of the isolated tables and went to them. Bree was the first to notice me. "Roni!"

"Hey." I replied as she came over and hugged me tightly. She began rubbing my back. "Are you okay?"

"I'm guessing you know now?" I asked.

"We were all worried and Willa told us what happened." Zed said, pulling me into a hug after Bree.

"We're here for you, okay?" Eliza asked as she hugged me as well.

"Thanks for the support, guys." I said.

"Here. I made this for you to make you feel better." Bonzo said in zombie. He handed me a wooden bird that was painted different colors. I smiled and hugged him. "Thanks, Bonzo. I love it."

Suddenly, I picked up the scent of Wyatt, looking to see him with the rest of the pack, but I avoided his gaze. I saw the others looking at me with sympathy while one of the male wolves shoved him as if telling him "Leave her alone".

The tears fell out of my eyes as flashbacks from yesterday filled my head.

"Oh, hon." Addison said as Bonzo pulled me into a hug. I cried silently as Eliza and Addison rubbed my back.

"I want to go zombie on him so bad." my favorite female zombie said, glaring towards my ex-mate's direction.

"You don't have to be here if you don't want to. We can ditch school with you if you want." Addison said.

I was a bit shocked that she would suggest it, since none of them even considered the idea of skipping class.

"No, it's fine." I replied.

They all showed me support and comfort. Eliza even hacked into the school system to change Wyatt's schedule until it was time for class. She took him out of the classes I had with him. I would still have my classes, but with my friends.

"Let's go, Roni." Bree said as she wrapped an arm around me, all of us walking off to start the school day.


It has been really tough trying to avoid Wyatt, although I did hang with the pack when he wasn't around. I couldn't face him anymore, since what we had is long gone. Although, my wolf side missed him like crazy.

I was currently in Biology, waiting for Aaron since we had to turn in a project we had been working on before. As more students came pouring in, I smiled as I saw him. He walked over and sat in the stool next to mine.

I also noticed Ariel and Jonah enter the class as well. I greeted them as they sat in front of me and Aaron. I guess they switched also.

The teacher walked in with her bored expression. "Okay, class. You will present your projects today and the homework I'll assign consists of 30 multiple-choice from the textbook."

The class groaned as she rolled her eyes. Bitch.

"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened." he asked.

I nodded my head. "I'll be fine."

"I'm sorry for what happened. Nobody should ever have to go through that." Ariel said, giving me a sad smile.

"Thank you." I replied.

"I'm sorry we couldn't stop Diondra. If we kept a closer eye on that seaslug, she wouldn't have seduced your mate." Jonah explained.

Shaking my head, I reassured him. "It's not your fault guys. You're good people and I don't want you blaming yourselves over someone else's actions. If he was strong enough to fight off her advances, none of this would've happened. I plan on getting revenge on that little bitch."

"Veronica! Language or you'll be in detention!" the teacher scolded.

"Sorry." I apologized with a fake smile.

I rolled my eyes as she turned her back to the board. She was like Meredith Blake mixed with Cinderella's stepmother. Beautiful looks, but ugly personality.

The three mermaids were holding back their laughter and I just chuckled at them.

"By the way, I won't be here all of next week. I'm going to take a break with my family." I told them.

Ariel seemed a bit sad. "Aww, but it's going to be boring without you. But, I understand that you need to take all the time you need."

"Where are you going exactly?" Aaron asked.

"I'm not sure. All I know is that my parents think it's best if we go on vacation to help me move on faster. But also to just spend time with each other." I said.

"Will we video chat?" Jonah asked.

"Of course we will." I replied with a smile as the teacher told us the presentations would start.

I was grateful to have amazing support systems. I knew that even though it wouldn't be easy leading the pack by myself, as long as I had my friends and family to back me up, I'd be okay.

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